07 09 1992 Sp Council 1:30
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte, held under
Section 34 of the Planning Act in Council Chambers, Moonstone, on July 9, 1992 at
1: 30 p.m.
Present - Reeve - 1. Beard
Councillors - W. Dickie
- D. Bell
Also Present - A. McNair
R. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. V. Arnaut
The Clerk advised the meeting was called to consider the rezoning of lands, Part
of Lot 12, Con 14, from Rural (RU) and Low Environmental Sensitivity (ES2) to
Rural Exception (RU- ) to allow for a parcel of 3.7 acres to be added to an
existing lot of 1.9 acres. He noted that notice was given in accordance with the
regulations of the Planning Act by publishing in the Coldwater Canadian on June
18, 1992 and in addition by mailing out to the property owners in the area as
well as the required provincial Ministries and Agencies. He noted that no
written COrrIDents had been received.
Mr. McNair addressed Council on the proposed rezoning. He noted that the lands
being added to the small parcel contained a chicken house with chickens. He
noted this was an agricultural use and that the Township Zoning By-law required
lands to be 4 Hectares to allow for this type of use. He advised Council that
they would have to zone the proposed parcel either Rural or Rural Exception which
would allow any agricultural use or which would recognize the existing use but
not allow it to be expanded.
Mr. & Mrs. Arnaut advised that they presently keep 30 chickens which they raise
organically for their own use and that it was not their intention to change the
use. They advised they wished to also organically garden on the property but did
not expect to have any other type of livestock.
The Council agreed to consider a zoning which recognized the existing use and
made its expansion illegal and directed such a By-law be prepared.
Reeve Beard declared the meeting closed at 1: 55 p.m.
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