07 16 1992 Sp Council 10:00
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on July
16, 1992 at 10:00 a.m. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario.
Present - Reeve I. Beard
Deputy Reeve N. Dalziel
Councillors D. Bell
W. Dickie
Also Present - Mr. A. McNair
Mr. P. Smith
Mr. L. Borgal
Mr. M. Kimble
Mr. G. Clarke
Mr. J. Knox
Other Horseshoe Valley Consultants
The meeting was called to review the information and plans suhnitted to date by
Horseshoe Valley for their Condominium Proposal.
Council expressed their concerns.
Mr. P. Smith advised that the proposed Phase I development had about 85%
vegitation disturbance and no mention of lands required for sewage. He further
advised that to date the Municipality had received no information as to where
the sewage disposal system would be located and who would own and operate. He
further advised that he required more detailed plans on the loop road and for
the overall lands to be developed.
Horseshoe Valley responded, giving very detailed explanations of the proposed
Phase I development and why it was designed the way it was. They also presented
the most recent information they had regarding sewage and water. They also
presented their proposal for construction and completion of the loop road.
After a very lengthy discussion on the above noted matter, Council advised
Horseshoe that they did not feel they could approve Phase I as proposed due to
the amount of cut and fill and vegitation removal and referred Horseshoe to
Section 6.12.2(iii) of the Township Official Plan. They also requested
Horseshoe suhnit there sewage plans as soon as possible and lmor:ef/detailed
engineering plans for the remainder of the property and the loPp road. They
also advised Horseshoe Valley that they would extend the iterm of their
development agreement for a period of one year.