12 13 1992 Council Minutes December 13, 1993 Page 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE e Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on December 13, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors - 1. Beard - N. Dalziel - D. Bell - W. Dickie - M. Martin . ADOPTION OF MINUTES Resolution 93-217 was passed as follows: "That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on November 22, 1993 be adopted as printed and circulated". BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 1) Resolution 93-232 was passed as follows: "That Council of the Township of Medonte requests Oro- Medonte hold a Public Meeting for rezoning lands, Pt Lot 9 Con 14, to allow for a Commercial use; And that the meeting be held early in 1994". 2) Council reviewed the Memo submitted from McNair & Marshall regarding required modifications to Official Plan Amendment #17. PASSING OF BY-LAWS 1) Resolution 93-233 was passed as follows: "That a By-law to impose a charge on lands assessed for Maintenance for Municipal Drain #5 be considered read a fIrst and second time, read a third time and passed this 13th day of December, 1993 and numbered By-law 1993-26". e 2) Resolution 93-234 was passed as follows: "That a By-law to impose a charge on lands which are assessed for Maintenance for Drain #7 be considered read a fIrst and second time, read a third time and passed this 13th Day of December, 1993 and numbered By-law 1993-27". e 3) Resolution 93-235 was Defeated as follows: "That a By-law to assume certain lands as a Public Highway within the Township be considered read a fIrst and second time, read a third time and passed this 13th day of December, 1993 and numbered By-law 1993-28". December 13, 1993 Page 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE e 4) Resolution 93-236 was passed as follows: "That a By-law to enter into a easement agreement be considered read a fIrst and second time, read a third time and passed this 13th Day of December, 1993 and numbered By-law 1993-29". . 5) Resolution 93-237 was passed as follows: "That a By-law to enter into an easement agreement be considered read a rll'st and second time, read a third time and passed this 13th Day of December 1993 and numbered By-law 1993-30". 6) Resolution 93-238 was passed as follows: "That a By-law to enter into an easement agreement be considered read a rll'st and second time, read a third time and passed this 13th day of December 1993 and numbered By-law 1993-31". 7) Resolution 93-239 was passed as follows: "That a By-law requesting Modifications to Official Plan Amendment #17 be considered read a rll'st and second time, read a third time and passed this 13th Day of December, 1993 and numbered By-law 1993-32". NEW BUSINESS 1) Resolution 93-240 was Defeated as follows: "That lots 1 and 39, Plan M-123, be exempted from streetlight charges". 2) Council reviewed correspondence from City of Orillia regarding their application to annex lands from the Township of Orillia. The matter was referred to the Joint Council. 3) A request was received from the Orillia & District Chamber of Commerce for a Council representative. The matter was deferred to Joint Council. e LOCAL BOARDS 1) Resolution 93-241 was passed as follows: "That Council of the Township of Medonte supports Report #16 of the Children's Services Committee of the County of Simcoe". e OTHER BUSINESS 1) Council discussed tendering of snow removal at Township Fire Halls and decided as it was just done last fall not to retender at this time. December 13, 1993 Page 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSmP OF MEDONTE e 2) Councillor Martin advised Council that some School Boards in South Western Ontario had saved significant monies by contracting out the cleaning of schools. Council felt this issue should be discussed further at Joint Council for Oro-Medonte. 3) Councillor Dickie brought forward several By-law Enforcement matters and requested the Clerk have the By-law Enforcement Officer take action. . 4) Resolution 93-242 was passed as follows: ''Whereas there are no further Council meetings scheduled before December 31, 1993; And whereas the Township of Medonte will be amalgamated with the Township of Oro on January 1, 1994; And whereas Council is desirous that the fmancial affairs of the Township be completed as fully as possible; Now therefore, Council authorizes the Reeve and Treasurer approve and pay such invoices which would be paid during the course of normal operations of the Township; And that such invoices be ratified by the Joint Council for Oro-Medonte in January 1994". 5) Resolution 93-243 was passed as follows: ''Whereas the Ministry of Transportation has approved of supplementary roads expenditures for 1993 in the amount of $236,000.00; And whereas the Ministry of Transportation has approved of supplementary roads subsidy for 1993 in the amount of $177,000.00; Now therefore, Council approves of the transfer of $59,000.00 from the reserves for working funds and contingencies to the operating and capital funds to offset the unsubsidized portions of these expenditures". 6) Resolution 93-244 was passed as follows: That Council resolution 93-184 be amended to read the "That Roads Voucher #8 in the amount of 76,509.36 be approved for payment". e PASSJNG OF ACCOUNTS 1) Resolution 93-245 was passed as follows: "That General Voucher #11 in the amount of $127,869.95 and General Voucher #12A in the amount of $877,701.46 be authorized for payment". 2) Resolution 93-246 was passed as follows: "That Roads Voucher #11 in the amount of $252,990.24 and Roads Voucher 12A in the amount of $19,008.37 be authorized for payment". e December 13, 1993 Page 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE e VARIOUS MATTERS 1) Resolution 93-247 was passed as follows: "That Council approves of the residents of Robin Crest Subdivision having an outdoor skating rink on Township lands, Block B, Plan M-123, subject that it be understood the facility is unsupervised and used at the risk of the participants". . 2) Resolution 93-248 was passed as follows: "That Reeve Beard be presented with the Township Gavel". 3) Council directed the Clerk advise Horseshoe Valley that their agreement with regard to their condominium project has expired effective November 15, 1993 and the matter would have to be brought before Oro-Medonte Council. As this was the last scheduled meeting of the Township of Medonte before restructuring, Reeve Beard thanked the Council and the staff for their support and dedication over the years. ADJOURNMENT Resolution 93-249 was passed as follows: "That this meeting be adjourned". REEVE e~ e e