01 22 1990 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE rl'OWNSHIP OF jV1EJX)NTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on January 22, 1990 in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors -1. - H. - C. - N. Amos Vasey Hall Dalziel Absent - Councillor - J. Patterson ADOPTION OF Re.soluti~JJwjfas...P9:s~ed-..A~~.f2l1.Q~~~"" h. h ld J 8 " That the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Towns lp e on anuary , 1990 be adopted as printed and circulated". Council met with. Mr. G. Ball, Township Roads Superintendent. There was a decision on the 1990 Scl;;idyAllocatioIlfoc"the 1990 Budget. Council decided to have a Special Meeting on February 8, 1990 at 1:00 P.M. to discuss the 1990 Roads Budget. Th~ Cl~seuted infonnation on the new Aggregate Resources Act. Council agreed to apply for Class B Licences for their three licenced pits. BUql.NEf?12 1) Th~j::ri:LlsdqleJYater~:r~t remained deferred as no report had been received from the Hillsdale Police Village Trustee's. 2) C2!:1!1~iJ:.""..:J;:E.?Yi~~E.?d a E~rt: fran their Solicitor on Subdivision agreements and directed the Clerk forward it to the various developers within the Township. 3) ~Q!:1Dcil.9:ill~:'QY~(:LQf.thE2f2:r:1] of Easement for registration for the Teskey Subdivision, Wanninister. ~"~? 1) fran Mr. Brian Booth for an Official Plan Amendment. They directed the Clerk obtain information as to what the end use of the property will be. 2) ~tLg:i.?C!:1~~E.?~E.~.E.?~:t: from Mr. & Mrs. Richardson, PT Lot 55, Con 1 to obtain a rezoning to allow for a second residential unit. Resolution 90-1 4 was defeated as follows: i;wwThatccmncIl approvesOfMr:~& Mrs:-~Richardson, PT Lot 55, Con 1, proceeding with the necessary amendments to allow for a second residential unit on their property". 3) ~~lJ!lwc::.iUE:2Qe.iY.E:2..(l"~rE291l~s:tfran Mr. H. E. Johnston to have a manhole in front of his property lowered - Councillor Dalziel agreed to investigate and report back to Council. 4) Co:uncil...r~.c~isz:E;2dwJ1otJi.iQ~t.iQI} fran the Ministry of Environment that their grant towards Blue Boxes and Recycling Collection was approved. R~'rI~ 1 ) M:r:"~W~~CJJ:Tle~~awlor, Mr. G. Hawke and Mr. Cooke approached Council to question as to why garbage~ ccllectlonw.was"ITIlplementedandwhythosewho did not want it would have to pay for it. Council advised that they had received many requests for collection and that they wanted to take advantage of grants available for their recycling program. The recycling program was required to extend the life of the Township Waste Site. Council did advise that they would give further consideration to the method of assessing the costs at to whether or not all properties would be assessed. January 22, 1990 Page Two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE 2) Counill..ms:2.tw}Yi~thl1r~l:'...:....Sa!:1vew of Maple Leaf Collection to discuss their garbage collection program. It was decided to offer the service to all COImlercial properties if they could canply with the 8 bag limit. Anyone who could not could discuss alternate solutions with Mr. Sauve. It was also decided that Mr. Sauve would pick up at Township Parks and Community Centres. It was also decided that Council would provide Blue Boxes to the Schools. Council also directed the Clerk advise the Ski Resorts and Golf Courses that they would investigate offering them recycling. Council aslo decided that they would finalize their contract with Mr. Sauve based on collection of 2600 units. OTHER BU~Jl:'IE.S.~ 1 ) ResollltiQJ;L2Q=15.~~g~J?gS_s~Q. asfu:JJ.ows :. " That Council approves of a grant in the amount of $50.00 to the East Simcoe PloWIDens Association for the year 1990". 2) ResQlution~2.Q=~16_}Ya~w.l&s.e.~~:LasfQl1Q.ws; " That Council approves of Mr. J. Shellswell attending a Wood Energy Training Course to be held in Barrie on February 12-15, 1990". 3 ) ResQultiQIL~9.O=..1:LWQ.Q:Q9.Qsed..Ciws.w:t:QJ:IQ~.s;~w " That Council requests the Federal Transportation Agency investigate the need for automated crossing protection at the C.P.R. main line and Eady Station Sideroad, Township of Medonte". 4) Co:uncil~~dire~gj;;.e1Lt..h.e~Clerk~advertise for a Full Time By-Law Enforcement Officer, also to be a Property Standards Officer. 5) Cnuncil..set.iLilleetingdate of February 15 at l: 00 P.M. to meet with their Planners regarding the O.P. Amendment regarding severances. 1 ) ResQJ\1tiQIl~~O_:-~~'Was~ssE.?d as... follo,^,s: " That Roads Vouche-r#wfi Inw.theamoUnt of $47,804.72 is hereby approved for payment". 2) Resolutio!1~.90-12~~~as ~1:)12~S~Lw9:ELJollQ,^,sL " That General Voucher # 12A in the amount of $254,152.84 is hereby approved for payment" . 3) ReSQIL!tio!L2"Q=~Qw~'WE:S~E?2E.?~~~ folJQ'WS; " That General Voucher #1 in the amount of $55,827.39 is hereby approved for payment". - OTHER 1 ) .counciLi:lB-ri2S?Q.DQ!;: to change the Dog Licence Fee's for the year 1990. Moved by Dalziel Seconded by Hall ~ That Council go into Canmittee of the Whole. Moved by Vasey Seconded by Hall That Council come out of Canmittee of the Whole. ADJOURJ:\IMENT _~,.~"__"~"w"",,,~~,,^w'm,~_,,m, Resolution 90-21 was ~ssed as follows: '~That-this~meefrng bew-adjournecrfo.meet again on February 12, 1990 at 1: 00 P.M.". Reeve