02 12 1990 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on February 12, 1990 at 1: 00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present - Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey Councillors - J. Patterson - N. Dalziel - C. Hall ~Q~~S g~s()1!:1t;i..on~~.9-29 was passed as follows: " That the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on January 22, 1990 and the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on January 16, 1990 be adopted as printed and circulated". BUSlNESS..ARISING~EROM...MIN(1TF.S . 1 ) CQ:unciL.di~~d.~the Public Meeting held on February 6, 1990 regarding the Official Plan Amendment for the Richardson Gravel Pit. Council directed the Clerk advise those who requested further notification that Council would consider the amendment for adoption at their meeting of 12, 1990. 2) CounciLadop:ted..the Corrmittee Structure for the year 1990 as proposed by Reeve Amos. 3) ~hQ.1JDcwil;reYiS2WE:Ed.lLreJ;2Q;tj:: fran the Township Solicitor regarding the Communal Tile Beds in Horseshoe Valley. they directed the Clerk forward a copy of the report to Salvil Investments and the Horseshoe Valley Property OWners Association for their comment. J?ASSINGQE~ 1 ) ~ut:.:bQ!lJill=J.Q was passed as follows: "That a By-Law to enter into an agreement to provide for the collection of waste within the Township be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this l2th day of February, 1990 and number By-Law 1990-03". 2) ~J~l was passed as follows: " That a By-Law to enter into an Agreement with the Ministry of Environment to provide for a grant under the Municipal Recycling program be considered read a first and second time, read a third time, and passed this 12th day of February 1990 and numbered By-Law 1990-04". ~ ~~s.s. 1 ) ~;hQn....2Q=.:i2 was passed as follows: II That Council approves of issuing a Kennel Licence to Michelle Therrien PT Lot 19 Con 9". t 2) ~1h.J:~~-1i~~rQ~d Council to request a rezoning on a 2 acre parcel of land PT Lot 24 Con 10 to allow him to run a boat repair business fran the property. Council expressed concern over the environmental impact of the chemicals and process used and requested Mr. Westland discuss the proposal with; the Ministry of the Environment. 3) Resol1,1J;.:i<2!.L2Q.=n was passed as follows: " That Council approves of a grant in the amount of $25.00 to the North Simcoe Soil & Crop Inprovement Association for the year 1990". 4) C011nci1"~discllssed~t.l:1S2 Hydrogeologic work on their Waste Site. They directed the Clerk advise their consultant to keep the project on hold until they have more information on County Wide Waste Management. Council also set a special meeting for February 20, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. to meet with the Council of the Village of Coldwater. February 12, 1990 Page Two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE J:<esolutioll 90-34 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of a payment to Gartner Lee & Associates in the amount of $6,315.35". 5 )c:::oYDc:i,.J_I;:s:2.ce.LYs2s1.iL request fran the Ministry of Environment to implement a burning By-Law to control open air burning within the Township. Council deferred decision. ~ 6) (:ollil..Qil.KS?Qgiyec1 a. request to allow for the developTlent of a parcel of land along Mill Street in Hillsdale, which was part of a fODner plan of subdivision. The request was for the creation of three large lots by severance. Council was against the developTlent as they did not feel it was a proper method of development. DR-I,FC:ATJ:OtlS - 1) of Robin Crest Developments approached Council to request a reduction in their letter of credit from $238,000 to $138,000. He advised that it is his intention to complete the servicing of the subdivision by July of 1990. Council deferred decision and directed the Clerk contact the Township Engineer for a report on the reduction and that the Clerk contact the Ministry of the Environment regarding the Park land problem. alliElLE!lSL~ 1 ) J:<esoljJw!;:ion~=l.5 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of payment of fees in the amount of $134.00 being the cost of tuition for Mr. J. Oakley in the Municipal Building Inspector Part 9 Course" . 2) ResoIQtiQn~.2.0-J..Q was passed as follows: " That Council approves of charging 1/3 of an invoice of its Solicitor In the amount of $581.50 to the Village of Coldwater". 3) Vario\.lS...othe.:r~~J2Q:[ts and pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational. 4) Gill1Dcil_9JJ':ected~ Clerk have a qualified person investigate the heating air conditioning system in the Township office and prepare an estimate for its upgrading. PM2f2~EJi.cmrnrs - 1) Resolution 90-37 was passed as follows: ~ThaFRoads Voucher # 1 in the amount of $60,787.33 be approved for payment". 2) RS2~Qll!tiQn.o2.Q=.3B was passed as follows: " That General Voucher #2 in the amount of $83,946.76 be approved for payment". ADJ.JL~ t 1 ) Resolution"~ was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on February 26, 1990 1:00 P.M.".