05 14 1990 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on May 14, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario. Present - Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors -I. - H. - J. - N. - C. Amos Vasey Patterson Dalziel Hall ~ON~~ - ReSQJ:l!t:.:hQ!L.2Q=J 03 waiLP.9.s~E.?~<'! as follows: " That the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on April 23, 1990 and the minutes of Special Meetings of Council held on April 19 and April 27, 1990 be adopted as printed and circulated". GQ!:1pc~Mr~::.....QJA1J, Township Roads Superintendent to discuss various roads matters. _ ThEL~lerk...Qdvisei~L that the Township Engineer has called Tenders for the Bridge Construction to close on June 11/90 for opening at the Council meeting on the same night at 7: 30 P.M. He also advised Council that the work was being done on the drainage at the Vespra Subdivision at the developers expense. Council rey.~d the. proposed Subdivision Standards as prepared by the Township Engineer. The Roads Superintendent requested a few minor changes which Council approved. ResolLltigg2Q-1 04 V::9-~'passed,. as follows: " That Council approves of the Subdivision Standards as prepared by Reid & Associates subject to amendments as required by Township Roads Superintendent". c01d!}g~lr~y.:i:E.?V:i:E.?.<'!~.prQPQs~sL changes to the Newton Plan of Subdivision, pt Lot 54 Con I and has sane concerns over the proposed 10% grade. Council discussed the Robin Crest Development in Moonstone. KeEQ.111.tiQn.2_Q=JcQ.!2..wYY~.@w2A~@~9 as follows: " That the Clerk advise the Developers of Registered Plans M-101 andM-123, Moonstone, that if they have not completed their servicing by July 31, 1990 that Council will draw on their letter of credit to complete the servicing". t Mr. C. Nicholson of the. 9th~fQ.!l approached Council regarding dust control. He advised Council that it is a very dusty spring and causing him problems. He also suggested Council change their method of grading and use a water truck before and after grading. The Roads Superintendent advised Council that he plans to start calcium next week. t M~::.......h.~ Tr~laY!....RLI:Q!::..JZ Con 9, approached Council for a Temporary Use By-Law on his property to allow the placement of a mobile home for the use of his father's use for a short period of time. There was a discussion of the possible ramifications to the Township. deferred until the Clerk reviewed the matter with the Township Solicitor. received a written request fran Mr. R. Hunt, pt Lot 6 Con 10 for a rezoning a firewood processing business. Mr. Johnston and Mts. Keenan, both neighbours of Mr.. Hunt, were in attendance at the meeting to object to this application. They advised Council that this business was and would cause problems due to noice and that they would be objecting and any public meeting which was called . May 14, 1990 Page two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Ee13ol11tion~2.Q:-~lP6_wa~gefeatE.?51 as follows: " That Council approves of Mr. R. Hunt, pt Lot 6 Con 10, proceeding with a rezonlng of his property to allow for a fire wood operation". ~ ~f:....RQ.S!2..~yyQQd[~"J)::t:::.1Q::t:::f4:, Con 3 approached Council to further explain his request for a rezoning to Commercial, which had been previous I y denied by Council. There was also a discussion regarding Mr. Woods living on the property in a trailer which is in contravention to the Zoning By-Law. Council requested Mr. Woods begin construction of his house so that the trailer can be removed fran the property by fall. 1) ReE?QMi2!:l 90~lQL~y;rasp9:1:)E:;E.?d as follows: " That Council approves of payments to A.E. Jensen Insurance Adjusters for work done under the Township Insurance Program". ~ 2) Re.so:j..JJtion 90-1 08 was passed as follows: " Thatw"councir.approveE3ofa Grant in the amount of $200.00 to the Coldwater & District Agricultural Society for the year 1990". 3) Resqlu:tiion 90-1 Q2_~.9:~~se9: as follows: " That Council approves of stopping up and selling a portion of unopen Road Allowance between lots 5 & 6 Con 10, subject that the purchasers be responsible for all legal, survey and office costs and that Council approach Mr. & Mrs. Hawke to obtain a deed for the travelled portion of the road. As a substitute to costs for the unopen road". 4) R.E.?lLC21.ution ~~.~vvas_J2..~.s.e~g as follows: " That Council approves of a final payment to Gartner Lee & Associates in the amount of $1,172.30 for the Hydrogeologic Study at the Township Waste Site". 5) Council reviewed rE.?vii3ec1 plans for a Subdivision, pt Lot 54 Con 1, and deferred cOrrment~until~whear:Lng fran their Engineers. 1 ) Re~~<2..I.ll!i..q:t2...2..Q-ll.L~~~J2as~.E.?:Si as follows: " That Road Voucher #4 in the amount of $99,729.45 be approved for payment". 2) gesC)!.uti2!l~Q- LL~__~9-s .2~i!SS!?.9 as follows: " That General Voucher #5 in the amount of $83,126.83 be approved for payment". ~ OTHER BUSINESS 1) Co~~l reviewed a quotation fran Murray Mechanical Systems Ltd. for upgrading of Heatlngw.allcrAlrw.Conilltioning System at Township Office. Council decided the proposal was too expensive at this time. 2) sal to rent out the Concession Booth at the Hillsdale Hall. he would discuss the proposal with the parties. - 3) R~sQ~uti9n ~..~g:-~13w_~.9-_~Q~.e1:)~c1 as follows: " That Council approves of the Reeve & Clerk executing an Agreement under Section 40 of the Planning Act with Harvey Cassell Ltd., pt Lot 48 Con 1". 4) Resolution 90-114 waspaE)sed as follows: 'i~.That..CouncrCappOintsJoyce Keenan as Township of Medonte Weed Inspector for the year 1990 at a fee of $40.00 per call plus mileage". May 14, 1 990 Page three THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE 5) c.Q.1JDc.il-~ClJ.:re.Qt~g~j:::hE:2.g1~:r15, contact neighbouring municipalities to obtain information on tipping fees for the Waste Site. 6) cQ.lJIlc.iI~.~lli212!'O\~E.?CI~gfhgl9::i:~g a Public Meeting on June 18, 1990 at 7: 30 P.M. at the Moonstonesch<bOLasrequirecl under the Planning Act for the new Township By-Law. ~ 7) Council set a that anyone requiring a 2nd Blue Box would pay a fee of $5.00. Moved by Dalziel Seconded by Patterson That Council go into Canmittee of the Whole. Carried ~ Moved by Hall Seconded by Patterson That Council cane out of Canmittee of the Whole. Carried ADJOURNMENT ~,~.,"W~~"__~__,w Resolution 90:-115.. 'NEl~pctss~d as follows: '......."ThatWthls.meetmg be. adjourned to meet again on May 28, 1990 at 7: 00 P.M.". Reeve ~ ~