05 28 1990 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Monday May 28, 1990 at 7: 00 P.M. in Cauncil Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors -I. - H. - J. - N. C. Amos Vasey Patterson Dalziel Hall as follows: a Regular Meeting of Council held on May 14, 1990 and the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on May 22, 1990 be adopted as printed and circulated". DELEGA'I'IONS 1) Mr. P. Smith, 'rownship Consulting Engineer, and reviewed the work being done in Hillsdale on the drainage for the Vespra Construction Subdivision. 2) with Mr. R. 'rurnbull from Robin Crest Development to discuss servicing of his development. Mr. 'rurnbull requested he be allowed, at his expense, to install an alann system in the resevoir. Council agreed to the request. Mr. Turnbull outlined his plans for servicing of the Subdivision. Mr. Smith advised the developer that if he is too meet Council's requirement of completing the servicing by the end of July then all services, except for final surface of roads should be ready by the end of June. Council directed Mr. 'Turnbull control the dust in the subdivision and on the 8th Concession and directed he do sa by June l, 1990. from the owners of Lot 9 Plan M-101 to have their lot grading Council directed the developer complete the grading and call for an completed. inspection. 3) met with Council to review the 'I'ownship collection and recycling program. Mr. Sauve advised Council that the program is going well. He has experienced some problems with the Township terrain in the winter. He also advised that he has had a few problems with dogs. He advised Council that the Township is generating about 8.5 tons of paper, 2.85 tons tin and metal and 4.92 tons of glass per month of recyclable goods. Mr. Sau:'l:e....ad"slise.dCouncil that the last three times he has taken his goods to market that he has received no. reimbursement for the paper. He asked that Council consider covering his costs of $30.80 per ton for handling the paper until the market picks up. 4) of the Hillsdale Historical Society who requested Cauncil begin the process to designate the O'Neil House Hotel, located on the South East corner of the Penetanguishene Road and Mill Street in Hillsdale a property of historical and architectural value. 'I'hey advised Council that the East Georgian Bay Association would be willing to pay Council's costs in the matter. They advised Council that the designation does not prohibit or stop the sale or demolition of any building. Council directed the Clerk publish the notice of intention to designate. Council requested the graup put their intention to pay Councils costs in writing. May 28, 1990 Page two THE CORPORATION OF 'THE 'I'O\iVNSHIP OF MEOONTE 5) Council regarding the work being done in Hillsdale on the Vespra Construction Subdivision. They had concerns over the Ada St. ditch at Mill Street and the drainage at the back of their lot. Council directed the Clerk adivse the Township Engineer to have the necessary work done. u as follows: That Council approves of proceeding with a temporary use By-Law for Mr. Lloyd Tremblay, pt Lot 17 Con 9, to allow for placing a trailer on his property for residential purpose". 1) 2) c.QJJJ1Q:j..~~,fLt~J;:~.lgf:.Js advise Mr. R. Woods pt Lot 24, Con 3 that they would not change their decision and allow a rezoning to Commercial. They also directed the Clerk advise Mr. Woods that the trailer on the property must be removed by December 1, 1990 or action would be taken under the Township Zoning By"':Law. t.~SING 91:. BY=~~ 1 ) " as follows: That a By-Law to amend By-Law 89-01, By-Law 89-01 being a By-Law to establish water rates for the Village of Wanninster, be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 28th day of May 1990, and numbered By-Law 1990-15". 1:Jl~:1iJ~!Lg~e 1) his Son-in-law to discuss severance of their lands. Council that they had been unfairly treated when their request for severance was not granted when others in the area were granted. 'rhey requested Council over rule the Committee of Adjustment and the Ontario Municipal Board and grant their severance. Council advised them this could not be done. " follows: That Council of the 'Township of Medonte endorses a resolution of the Township of Tay with regard to the Ministry of Natural Resources enforcing regulations to prohibit the depositing of debris on the ice surface of Lakes in the Province of Ontario" . 2) 3) Bg.soJllJ:::i9!L90-120.. was pa~edas follows: " 'I'hat Council of the Township of Medonte endorses a resolution of the Township of 'I'ay with regard to the Simcoe County Board of Education tax increases". 4) Resolution 90-1~ 1 w<;j.lL.]2qsss?c1 as follows: " That Council of the Township of Medonte endorses a resolution of the Town of Richmond Hill which requests the Province of Ontario make available a portion of the fuel tax collected for Municipal Road Improvement Programs". " as follows: That Council of the Township of Medonte approves of contributing its share of costs towards the installation and maintenance of autanated crossing protection at the Canadian Pacific Rail Line and the Eady Side Road" . 5) " as follows: That Jill Patterson be appointed as representative of the Township of Medonte to attend a meeting to be held May 31, 1990 to discuss the future of Medonte East Central Public School". 6) May 28, 1990 Page three 'I'HE CORPORATION OF 'mE 'llJWNSHIP OF MEOONTE 7) from two land owners in Hillsdale to purchase a parcel of land was to have been a walkway to a Park. Council directed the Clerk take the matter to the Township Solicitor. 1) " as follows: That approves participating in a meeting with all parties with regard to Official Plan Amendment #10; and that Council requests that the request for referral to the Ontario Municipal Board be acted upon irrrnediately". 2) gesgluj::lglL30-125_ wE!~~?ec1 as follows: " That Council approves of proceeding: with the rezoning process for the proposed Estate Rural Subdivision Pt Lot II, Con 13". 3) " follows: That Council approves payment to Russell, Christie & Miller for work done in preparation and review of Township Zoning By-Law". 4) g~.?Qluti(:)TI..2.P..::1...fL...~~~.P9_~Sec1 as follow: " That Council approves of Mr. Stuart Tinney placing a trailer on his property, pt Lot 18, Con 14, while constructing a house, and that the trailer will be removed by September 1990". 5) ~Q.1Jl1g;il.J~~E.?9~~ for a Plan of Subdivision, Pt Lot 17 Con 13. They directed the Clerk advise the parties that they would not consider this request at this time. 6) Council decided to hold a Special Meeting on June 6th, 1990 at 1: 30 P.M. 7) Council decided to cancel their July 23/90 Council Meeting. 8) Various other pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational. ADJOURNMENT __w___., Res91JJ.t...iQIL~~~~d.. as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on June 11, 1990 at 7: 00 P.M."