06 18 1990 Public Minutes
Minutes of a Public Meeting held on Monday, June 18, 1990 at 7:30 P.M. in the Medonte East
Central School, Moonstone, Ontario under Section 3'+ of the Planning Act.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey
Councillors - J. Patterson
- . C. Hall
- N. Dalziel
Also present
Mr. A. McNair, Township Planning Consultant
The rneeting was called to consider a comprehensive Zoning By-Law for the Township of Medonte.
Reeve Arnos called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and welcomed those in attendance (75-100)
to the meeting.
The Clerk then advised that those in attendance that the requirements of the Planning Act had
been complied with and that notice of the meeting was published in
Barrie Examiner - May 26, 1990
Orillia Packet &. Times - May 25, 1990
The Independent - May 2'+, 1990
Midland Times - May 25, 1990
In addition he read a list of people and agencies that were mailed copies of the By-Law
and asked for comments.
He also advised that a public drop in to present the By-Law and answer questions had been
held on May 12, 1990 and that m)êÍ)ice of that meeting had been in with the March tax bills.
Mr. A. McNair of McNair &. Marshall, Township Planning Consultants then gave a '+5 minute
presentation outlinipg, some of the changes to the By-Law and explaining why the changes
were made. He advised everyone review the By-Law to see how it affected their individual
properties. He advised that copies could be purchased at the Township Office and copies were
available for persons to review. He asked everyone to put any comments they may have in
writing by the end of the month.
Reeve Amos adjourned the meeting for 15 minutes to allow people to reVIew the Map Schedules
to the By-Law and Schedules to the Official Plan.
Reeve Amos reconvened the meeting and opened the floor for comments. He also asked those
in attendance to put their comments in writing and submit them to Council.
Mrs. Whetham objected to the clause requiring satellite dishes in the back yard.
should be allowed in whatever location provided the best reception.
She felt they
Mr. Lovering also felt that in rural areas trees would determine where satellite dishes would go.
Mr. Johnston suggested that if satellite dishes had to be in the back yard, the hydro and Bell
Canada should be also.
Mr. Edwards asked if it would require a Building Permit to install a satellite dish.
Reeve Vasey stated it would not.
Mr. McNair asked for a show of hands of those who did not feel there was any problem with
satellite dishes in front yards and side yards and close to the property line. The response
was overwhelming that people did not see it as a problem.
Mr. Robbins asked how Council arrived at the number of two bedrooms being allowed as Bed
and Breakfast. Mr. McNair advised that this will be allowed in most zones and Council did not
want these uses to become a nuisance to the neighbours. The By-Law is designed to minimize
conflicts and Council felt over two bedrooms would be a commercial operation.
July 18, 1990
page t\
Mr. Swailes asked why the requirement for fencing of swimming pools was no longer in the By-Law.
Mr. McNair advised that this could be dealt with under a seperate by-law under the Municipal
Act and was not a matter for the Zoning By-Law.
There was a question as to why the OfficiäH Plan mapping had an Agricultural and Rural
Designation but that ,the Zoning By-Law only had a Rural Zoning. Mr. McNair explained the
difference between the two documents and advised that the Official Plan allowed the same
uses in both areas as did the Zoning By-Law.
There was a question regarding severance. Mr. McNair advised that the issue of severance was
a seperate issue presently under review in the Official Plan but had nothing to do with the zoning
By-Law. He did advise however, that all new lots of under 100 acres in the Rural Zone would
now require a rezoning to Rural Residential.
Mr. Kirkpatrick asked why Council had to pass by-laws to control land use at all.
that he felt there were too many by-laws and too much control already.
He advised
Mr. Swailes asked where the provisions dealing with Accessory Apantments were in the By-Law.
Mr. McNair advised they were on pages 45 and 46 of the proposed by-law.
Mrs. Whetham asked if the By-Law controlled the number ofåccessory buildings. Mr. McNair
said they could be limited to three per lot. This provision did not affect accessory buildings
required for agricultural uses.
One gentlemen expressed the sentiment that the By-Law as designed for an urban, not rural area.
Mr. McNair advised that there many properties of Y2 acre or less in the Township which required
some rules. Councillor Dalziel spoke on the need for some By-Laws and the need to enforce
them. Deputy Reeve Vasey stated that there must be some difference between the rural and
urban areas.
Reeve Amos asked everyone to put their comments in writing and thanked everyone for attending.
He declared the meeting closed at 9: lOP .M.