09 24 1990 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held under section 17 of the Planning
Act on Monday, September 24, 1990 at 7: 00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present -
Deputy Reeve
- H.
- J.
- C.
- N.
Also Present -
Barb Marshall
Angela Baldwin, Jorden & Jones
Mr. R. Meadley, C.C. Thatham & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Meiling
1 0 Ratepayers
B~eYe~~~ the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and welcaned those in
'Il:1E.?gler~~<l9yi:~E.?CL~. that the meeting was one required under section 1 7 of
the Planning Act to consdier an Official Plan Amendment for all. 71 hectare
parcel of land, Part Lot 15, Con 10. He explained that the amendment was to
change the land use designation fran Rural to Rural Estate to allow for the
construction of a small Rural Estate subdivision consisting of 8 lots.
J:Ie,wi::!gy~d tho~e .. in attendance that notice of the meeting was given In
compliance with the act by publishing notice in the Orillia Packet & Times on
August 23 and in the Independent on August 23. In addition notice of the
meeting was posted in the Township Office and mailed to 27 ratepayers who owned
property in the area. He advised that the amendment had also been precirculated
to the local offices of various Ministries and Boards and as a result had been
notified by the Simcoe County District Health Unit, Ministry of Municipal
Affairs, Simcoe County District School Board and the Simcoe County Ranan
Catholic Separate School Board that they had no objection to the amendment.
He explained that the consultants for Mr. & Mrs. Meiling would give a
presentation outlining the proposal and that their would be a question and
answer period. He asked that anyone in attendance, who wished to comment in
writing, to do so by October 4, 1990.
Ms..~ AI?:'lE.?l~~~!.~.?::!l...of..wg,s:m=!E.?J2~~w~Qnel:?~ gave a presentation on the proposal. She
outlined the results of the Hydrogeological study with regard to septic & water.
She then gave an outline of how the property canplies with the policies of the
Township Official Plan.
Mf:.!~~~ Meadley outlin~Cl the proposed drainage of the property outlining the
proposal for'a-stormretention pond.
~w~~~J:?~1.QyvirL.i::lgYised that no Parkland was proposed due to the Slze of the
Reeve Amos asked anyone in attendance if they had any questions. As there were
n~she~~askedpeople to sutmit written comments by October 4, 1990 and
declared the meeting closed at 7:30 P.M.