11 26 1990 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on November 26, 1990 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve -1. Amos Councillors - J. Patterson - C. Hall - N. Dalziel Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey Absent - - ADOPTION OF MINUTES ResolutJon 90-257 \ias ~~sec1 as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on November 12, 1990 and the minutes of two special meetings of Council held on November 8, 1990 be adopted as printed and circulated". ~ ~arj~t J.W. Pearsall of the Elmvale O.P.P. approached Council to explain that the O.P.P. were working to have more co-operation with local Councils. He asked Council for the co-operation of its employee's who are on the road. Council agreed to have their employee's co-operate in any way possible. Sargeant Pearsall updated Council on Crime statistics for the Township. QQ.tg1giJ-....1!!et._yvith Mr. G. BalJ:, Township Roads Superintendent. l1_wletter wtran Beid ~~Associates. outlining the proposed costs for replacement of the Bailey Bridge, Concession 8 was discussed. Council directed the letter be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation for their comments. Counc:.:!-l~~sa~ fran Mr. A. Ford regarding the transfer of road allowance, Blackwell purchase fran the Township. Council approved of the proposal subject to their Solicitors approval. RE.?solutio12..90-~58 was passed as as follows: " That Councii approves of the proposal for transfer of Road Allowance regarding Blackwell & Hawke, as laid out in a letter fran Mr. Aubrey Ford under date of November 23, 1990 subject to the approval of the Township Solicitor". The Clerk ~esented agqrtpJ:9:~l}t fran Mr. Dennis Barkley regarding a pond across the road fran him and water problems to his property. Council directed the Clerk forward this matter to the Ministry of Natural Resources. ~ Mf:~.B.!.w~ MillL~.J1f:~~J:-:lille!:f owners of property, pt W ~ Lot 1 7 Con 9, Township of Medonte approached Council with a proposal to rezone and sever a two acre parcel of land. The rezoning would penni t a building contractors yard and residential use. They presented a planners Report and a proposed site plan for Council's consideration. They requested Council give their immediate attention to this matter. - ResgJ-Jlb,on .90-259 was defeateQ. as follows: " That Council approves of proceeding with a rezoning for pt W1~ Lot 17, Con 9, to allow for a building contractor use". ~ OF BY-~ 1) ~esolution 90-260 was J?as~~c1 as follows: " That a By-law to adopt Official Amendment #14 be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 26th Day of November 1990 and numbered By-law 1990-37". November 26, 1990 Page two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE 2) B~.~.2JU1:JO!l..90.=~J?l2'la~asse.9 as follows: " That a By-law to designate a head for the pUf:POses of the Municipal Freedan of Information and Protection of Privacy Act be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 26th Day of November, 1990 and numbered By-Law 1990-38". - RE2SQlut~gn~29w-=~6~~was pas~~9 as follows: " That Council delegates all powers and duties under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act to the Clerk/Administrator". .BUSINESS 1) Fesql~n 90-26~~~~<:1 as follows: " That Council accepts the proposal of Reid and Associates to prepare a Developnent Charges Act Study and By-law". t 2) c;.Q!:1l1giL~~diJ'wected ~.th~ . Clerk prepare an agreement on Road Opening and Maintenace, FlojMedonte Townline, Pt Lot 56 Con 1. 3) Reso1..Ll.t!QQw2.Q::~.&~_~as pa~~~~Cl as follows: " That Council approves of payment in the amount of $345.54 to A.E. Jenson Insurance Adjusting Ltd. for work done not covered by the Township Insurance Policy" . 4) GQ!:1!1~revieweCl_~~est from Karen Cooper, Pt Lot 10 Con 13 for a severance of her lands. Council directed the Clerk advise her that Council would not consider her request at this time until a new severance policy was in place. 5) GQ!:1DgJ1~iewe9:...e...-L89l!eswt frcm Mr. R. Nahorney, pt Lot 7 & 8 Con 5 to sever two small parcels of land to be added to existing lots. Council directed the Clerk advise him Council would amend their Interim Control By-Law as no new lots were being created. 1) Gol1l194-1 a~~E.?E.?_t:. with representatives of the Township of Vespra to discuss restructuring on December 6, 1990 at 10:00 A.M. t 2) CouncilJ:::~viewed_9:~~~t frcm Mr. Ron Kelly to build an addition on to his existing Commercial Buildings, Wanninster, which would include apartments upstairs. Council directed the Clerk advise Mr. Kelly that they were not in favour of a rezoning to allow the apartments. 3) ~sol1!:tion~~Lwa~~seCl as follows: " That Council approves of Mr. James Oakley and Mr. James Shell swell attending a course to be held at the Hawkestone Fire Hall for a period of 10 weeks on Part 9 of the Ontario Building Code". t Y?.J:iQ1JlL.QtJ:LE2f:_~E~ and pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational. lillJO~ _ Re~Q!:1dt.ion 90-266.Jlas passed_ as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Monday December 10, 1990 at 1: 00 P.M.". ('f~ ~ Reeve