12 06 1991 Sp Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Thursday, December 6, 1990 at 10:00 A.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present - Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors -1. H. - J. - C. - N. Amos Vasey Patterson Hall Dalziel ~ Council meL~Lt!lE3~ReeYE3' Council, Clerk and Planner fram the Township of Vespra who made a presentation to Council regarding Simcoe County Restructuring. Vespra Council requested Medonte consider their proposal and advise them of any decision. ~ Council the meeting until 1: 00 P.M. for lunch. Reeve Amos reconveneq the meeting at 1: 00 P.M. and Council met with Mr. G. Ball, Township Roads Superintendent to begin preparation of the 1991 Budget. After a discussion regarding Hardtop Roads it was decided to - 1 ) Open grade pave the Golf Course Road 2) Repair and resurface a portion of the 3rd Concession 3) Open grade pave a portion of the Mt. St. Louis Road between the 2nd and 1st Concessions 4) Surface Treat a further portion of the Medonte-Grillia Townline 5) Open grade pave a portion of the 13th Concession in Warminster 6) Rip up and gravel the 8th Concession North of County Road 1 9 7) Tender for gravel to be placed on portions of the 13th, 11th and 8th Concessions ~ouncil requested the. Roads Superintendent take these decisions into account when preparing the 199r.Budget. Resolt;!t-t~Q!}.~2Q=~~2.7~~as ~1?e9~ as follows: " That Council agrees to refund the Municipal Services Cash Deposit of $4,900. 00 to Mr. Larry Horne". Resolution 90=268 was passed. as follows: "---rrhat-Counc]T.approves~ of~Payment Certificate #4 in the arrDunt of $19,620.44 to Don Sherk Construction Limited for work on Bridge, Concession 7". ~ ~Q@.QiJ.~~ID~t...Yiithw~M;t;".!~~M!.PJJhig who presented the O.M.E. insurance renewal for the Township. Council directed the Clerk contact Cowan for a quotation based on the same values and equipnent. ~ GQJJllru_ met with~M;t;:.!......b.~~~~~w~M~:rj::.~. and Mr. C. Ridgeon and Mr. M. Gode, who updated Council on the progress of Mr. Mertz's proposed plan of subdivision. They also requested Council consider allowing Mr. Mertz to proceed with further severances of his property. Council advised that any developnent would have to be done by plan of subdivision. ~Qunci.LIILej;:_wwi th...~thE;;'I'Q\Iill:..~I:1.:h12 Treasurer, B. Woodrow to discuss various financial matters. as follows: approves a write-off of taxes in the amount of $25.57 and penalty of .64<;, Roll 9-127, Douglas Mulligan, being the garbage collection charge for 8 months as service was not provided". December 6, 1990 Page two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Res<l.luti<2!:!~Q::27Q__~~~!29:~i:)~c:l as follows: " That Council approves of a write-off of taxes in the anDunt of $213.88 and penalty in the arrDunt of $5. 34, Roll # 5-121, William & Lillian Gray, due to clerical error. ADJOURNMENT ~ Moved by Patterson Seconded by Hall That this meeting be adjourned. Carried. ~ ~ ~