12 10 1990 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held at 1:30 P.M. on December 10, 1990 in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present - Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey Councillors - J. Patterson - C. Hall - N. Dalziel - ADOPT.ill:LQLMJ:J::JUTEEi Resol L!!:::hQ!!:w_2.Q.=fIl..'i'iSts>.Pi:;lssed as f opows> : " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on November 26, 1990 at 1:00 P.M. be adopted as printed and circulated". t DELEGATIONS 1) MJ:::.,,-~Il.. of Jorden & Jones approached Council on behalf of the owners of Commercial lands in Moonstone to advise that he would be bringing proposals forward early in the new year. He advised that his clients were not objecting to the Brown Official Plan Amendment but requested notification of Council's decisions. 2) ML..._R.....Jone~ & Mr. R. Robinson presented an Estate Residential subdivision proposal for lands, pt Lot 68 Con 1. They also presented Council with a Planning Report, Traffic Study and Servicing Report. Council directed they prepare an Official Plan Amendment for the Township Planner and Engineer to reVlew. 1) Fee.9Jllt:!:on..3j)-=~l~~~ed. as follows: That a By-law to set interest rates on unpaid taxes be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of December, 1990 and numbered By-Law 1990-39". 2) ReeQluti911~0=~_73 was~sed as follows: " That a By-law to authorize the borrowing of funds be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of Decmeber, 1990 and numbered By-Law 1990-40". t 1 ) Resqlution~ 90-274 was pas~e9: as follows: " That Council of the Township of Medonte endorses resolution R 1 41 90 of the Township of King and requests that the Ministry of Agriculture and Food amend the Dog Licencing and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act accordingly". t 2) Coun~~~~_~~y~ewed .~~~:t for Severance fran Mr. Scott Lindsey and directed the Clerk advise Mr. Lindsey that they would not amend their Interim Control By-Law to allow his request. 3) Resol~0::'4]5.JV2s.J29.~S.@~ as follows: " That Council approves of a cancellation of Residential Public Assessment in the amount of $575.00, Roll 2-048-03, Michael Johnson and Mary Parent for all of 1990 due to gross error". December 10, 1990 Page two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE 4) 13:~.i3.21-E!:ion 90-276 ~as passe(i as follows: " That Council approves of a cancellation of Business Public Assessment in the amount of $150.00, Roll 1-02100-0001, Harvey Cassell Limited fran August 1 - December 31/90 due to split in property by severance". - 5) 13:ei391.!:ltion _20-277 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of a cancellation of Business Public Assessment in the amount of $160.00, Roll 4-17403-0002, Thanas Penny for all of 1990 due to no longer doing business at this address". 6) Resolutiq!:!..2~Q.-21~"~"~ passed as follows: " That Council approves of a cancellation of Residential Public Assessment in the amount of $250.00, Roll 4-137, Clifford & Jean Bylow for all of 1990, due to sheds demolished". - 7) Reso~':!:t.io!l..2Q=279 waE:>.~~~E.?g.w as follows: " That Council approves of a cancellation of Residential Public Assessment in the amount of $380.00, Roll 81-053 Kathleen Duval from November 5 to December 31/90 due to house razed by fire". 8) B_~o!u~:hon"".90-:28~~s ~1:)E'"E.?g., as follows: " That the Reeve & Clerk be authorized to enter into a develq::ment agreement with Pine Ridge Ski Club". 9) ges91ution2Q-4f11~V!.9:2.pqe~e..E2g as follows: " That Council hire Mr. Ronald Peters as By-law Enforcement Officer for the Township of Medonte effective December 10, 1990 subject to the tenns and conditions of his employment contract". PASSING OF ACCOUNTS .,=----,~., 1) !<esolution 90-28~ was passed as follows: " That Roads Voucher #11 in the amount of $77 ,226.09 be authorized for payment" . 2) Ree.Ql1fj;:!Qn..J~) was P.asseg. as follows: " That General Voucher #12 in the amount of $237,257.98 be authorized for payment" . - 1 ) C..9~1..2&gided t9~hQ19, a Special Meeting on January 29, 1990 to deal with several rezonings. 2) GounciL de_c::ideQ"w.tQ~J1Qlg a Special Meeting on December 13 at 7: 00 P.M. to discuss restructuring. ~ 13:e~olution 90-284 w~.Etsseg. as follows: " That the meeting be adjourned to meet agaln on Monday, January 14, 1991 at 1 : 00 P.M.".