12 10 1990 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held under
Section 17 of the Planning Act at 1: 00 P.M. December 10, 1990 in Council
Chambers, Moonstone.
Present -
Deputy Reeve
- H.
- J.
- C.
- N.
Also Present - Mr. R. Lehman
Mr. W. Brown
Mr. A. McNair
j)eputy Re~ve Vasey called the meeting to order at 1: 00 P.M. and turned it over
to the Clerk. He adVISea those in attendance that the meeting was called to
consider an Official Plan Amendment for lands, Part of Lot 15 Con 9, and that
the amendment would designate a portion of the lands Estate District to allow
for an Estate Residential Develop:nent and a portion of the lands Commercial
District to allow for Commercial Develop:nent. He advised Council that notice of
the meeting was given in accordance to the regulations by advertising on
November 9, 1990 in the Orillia Packet and Times. In addition, notice of the
meeting was mailed to 21 property owners owning property in the area of the
subject lands. A notice of the meeting was also posted in the Township office
and the Moonstone Post Office. In addition the amendment was precirculated to
the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Municipal
Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculature & Food, Simcoe
County District Health Unit, Simcoe County Board of Education and Simcoe County
Ranan Catholic Separate School Board. The Clerk advised that the Board of
Education and Ranan Catholic Separate School Board had replied expressing no
concerns. The Clerk also advised that the Health unit had verbally approved of
the Residential portion but advised they required more information to consider
the Commercial.
Asw theirwE2f~Q ratepayers in attendance Council briefly discussed the
proposal with Mr. Lehman and Mr. Brown and Mr. McNair and advised they would
consider the amendment for adoption at their regular meeting in January.
Deputy Reeve Vasey declared the meeting closed at 1:25 P.M.