01 28 1991 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on January 28, 1991 at 1: 00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present - Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey Councillors - J. Patterson - C. Hall - N. Dalziel ~lut;bQn~l=l!L~J>2-ss~g. as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on January 14, 1991 and the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on January 23, 1991 be adopted as printed and circulated". 1) Mr. W. Brown Pt Lot 15 Con .~ approached Council with a revised Official Plan Amendment for their consideration. Mr. Brown also discussed the possibility of Council allowing him to sever his house and the proposed Corrmercial lands fram his proposed development. Council advised him they would not consider any request for severance of his house but as the Comnercial aspect was within the Corrmunity of Moonstone he could apply to the Committee of Adjustment to have it severed. R~E>,Q11!~21-19 ~~-29-~ as follows: " That a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment 15 be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 28th Day of January, 1991 and numbered By-Law 1991-05". 2) ~_of IlQbin Cr~ Heights approached Council with a request for reduction in his letter of credit on his Subdivision. As their was a large difference in what Mr. Turnbull requests in reduction and what the Township Engineers feel the Township should retain. Council deferred decision for more information. 1) Co~~~ed~~.2!: fram Mr. S. Larsen to allow him to proceed with plans for a secondary sewage treatment plant for his proposed subdivision in Warminster which would allow greatly increased densities. Council directed the Clerk advise Mr. Larsen that their basic planning philosophy was for large lots with detached dwellings and were not interested in densities of up to 8 lots per acre. 2) ~Q~ciLagr~ve the requirement that the agreement with Mr. Morris be registered on title as it is not possible to do so and approved that once a copy of the executed agreement is on file Mr. Morris would be granted a building permit. J?~QF BY.=IAWS 1) I3:..~sQ11!!::iQ!?~. 91-203~~ as follows: 1 be " That a By-law to authorize the encroachment on a Road A lowance considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 28th Day of January, 1991 and numbered By-Law 1991-04". NEW 1) GounciLdis~€2<:i~~_t from the Ontario Provincial Police for use of Township Land, pt Lot 10 Con 10 as a training site for their tatics and rescue unit and deferred decision and directed the Clerk invite the O.P.P. to the next meeting. Monday January 28, 1991 Page two '!HE CDRPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEroNTE 2) Resolution 91-21 was pass~d as follows: 11_~e That ~coUncII~-approves-~ of a grant in the arrDunt of $30. 00 for the North Simcoe Soil & Crop Improvement Association for the year 1991". 3) Q..Qt;!!lc:iJ_~.Levi~~E?d _~._.feY:ts~9 proposal for develop-nent pt Lot 68 Con 1 and agreed to hold a meeting for consideration of an Official Plan Amendment on April 9, 1 991 at 7: 30 P.M. in the Hillsdale Corrmuni ty Hall. 4) Re~glt;!:t::i:2El_9~::~_~"~a~p.9:~_~~.9 as follows: " That Medonte Council petitions the Ministry of Transportation for subsidy on the 1990 Road Expenditures in the arrDunt of $1,145,287.74". 5) ~~solutiQn__91~:-2~~~~~9 as follows: " That Mr. W. Steels be employed on a full time basis and be placed in the Township Benefit Plan". m'HE;B_ Council..e.dis.calased-ille_".latest proposal for Restructuring fran the County Study Committee. Moved by Dalziel Seconded by Patterson thaj::~QQt:!!l9j:1J&[.lillll_@.fLQQt;!!ls::ilJ:QLP~1~~i31 be appointed a Committee regarding restructuring to meet with representatives of the Township of Tay and members of the County Committee. Carried @JO~ RS28Q.J:lltiQrL2J-=-2Lwq2..J;:Lq~sed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Monday, February 11, 1 991" .