01 29 1991 Sp Council 2:30 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MECONTE Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held under Section 34 of the Planning Act on January 29, 1991 at 2:30 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present - Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey Councillors - J. Patterson - C. Hall Absent - Councillor - N. Dalziel Also Present - Mr. A. McNair Mrs. H. Eade 10 Ratepayers I3-.E2S2.Y~.~ArIQE~ called the m~ to order at 2: 30 P.M. The Clerk advised the meeting was called to consider a Rezoning of two lots being created by severance pt Lot 75 Con 1, fram Rural Exception to Rural Residential and High Environmental Sensitivity. He advised that the provisions of the Planning Act had been canplied with by mailing Notice to 33 Ratepayers in both Medonte and Tay Township who owned land in the area of the proposed rezoning on January 7, 1991. Also on January 7, 1991 a copy of the proposed By-Law was mailed to 10 local Boards and Ministries asking for their comments. The Clerk then read two letters supporting the amendment which were given him at the meeting. __LMcNa~:!:heE~~~lained the rm?IQse<;'L By-Law to those in attendance. He noted that the Eades applied to create three lots by severance and that Council agreed to rezone to allow two lots, 1 of 165' x 325 and one of 289' x 325. The larger lot had a pond on it and that portion was being zoned Environmentally Sensitive and no building would be allowed on that portion of the lot. C<?sn<2.~.ske<:L~ in attendance to sul::mit any corrments or concerns to Council by February 11, 1 991, at 12: 00 Noon. Reeve Amos declared the meeting closed at 2:45 P.M.