08 12 1991 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on
August 12, 1991 at 7: 00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present -
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey
Councillors - J. Patterson
- N. Dalziel
Absent -
Councillor - C. Hall
Resolution 91-153 was 2assed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held at 7:00 P.M. on July 15,
1991 and the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held at 8: 00 P.M. on
July 15, 1991 be adopted as printed and circulated".
Council met with Mr. G. Ball and discussed various roads matters.
It was decided to look at a drainage problem in Prices Comers on the Fall Roads
Council discussed t..12e pror:)()sal _of J. H. Investments regarding work in the
boundary road around their develor::ment. Council directed the Clerk advise them
to refer to Council's letter of September 1990 for what would be required.
The Council did direct the Clerk to advise J.H. Investments that they would
negotiate the timing of the work on the Old Coldwater Road.
QQgggJl directed thE2~G1S2;rt: contact R.G. Robinson & Associates and ask that the
work on Pine Ridge Trail be canpleted.
1 ) Mr. _&LU@ull_of~_RoQ:hn..Qr,,?st and Mr. Carr and Mr. Beardsall of Ainley &
Associates approached Council regarding the roads in Robin Crest. Mr. Carr
explained that the roads were hardtopped late in the year because Council
wanted them done. They advised the surrmer heat had improved the roads and
that the Ministry of Transportation would accept the roads for subsidy
purpose with a maintenance period. Mr. Carr advised that repairs had been
made to sections of the road. He presented a report fram Peto Mac Callum
Ltd. which stated that the roads do not need to be replaced, only repaired.
Council decided to have an on site meeting and inspection of the entire
subdivision with all parties in attendance later in August.
2) ~~. and Ms. Linda Ash of the Orillia Association for the
Handicapped appeared before Council to discuss their application for a
Nevada Licence and to outline information on their programs. Council
deferred a decision.
3) Mr.L~~.~.~__La.I:seI:L..~. QresEIDt~!:;:L a revised plan of subdivision for Councils
consideration. Council gave a preliminary approval and directed Mr. Larsen
file the proposal as a draft plan. Council requested Mr. Larsen file a
deposit for the water system design by September 15/91.
1 ) Council discussed the proposed MillsjMiller rezoning, pt Lot 1 7 Concession
ReSQ1~ion 21- J 54 was de~E2d as follows:
" That Council directs the Clerk prepare a Rezoning By-law for the
MillsjMiller proposal, pt Lot 17 Concession 9, for adoption at the August
26, 1991 meeting".
August 12, 1991
Page two
1 ) ~ution 21-155 was passed as follows:
" That a By-law to authorize the sale of land be considered read a first
and second time, read a third time and passed this 12th Day of August,
1991 and numbered By-law 1991-21".
2) Resolution 91-156 was pa?seq as follows:
" That a By-law to establish a load limit on Bridges be considered read a
first and second time, read a third time and passed this 12th Day of
August, 1991 and numbered By-law 1991-22".
3) .R~solution~l=.15.:Z was passe.d as follows:
" That a By-law to authorize the sale of land be considered read a first
and second time, read a third time and passed this 12th Day of August,
1991 and numbered By-law 1991-23".
:R.esolution 91-158 was defeated as follows:
" That ~ CounciTOftheTOWnship of Medonte endorses a resolution of the
Township of Aldorough regarding Farm Drainage" .
QQQDQil approved oftb~~nQs of the Earth distributing raffle tickets,
licence P912525 within the Township.
~Q@c.tueview~ _correspondence fram Jorden & Jones regarding the Hamire
4) _Q.Q...unc"~~L9- requept. fram Mr. Randy Nahorney to allow him to store
trailers on his property.
5) ~ d as follows:
" That Council authorizes Mr. Tim Walker to live in a trailer while
constructing a residence, Pt Lot 11 Concession 11, and that the trailer
be removed fram the property by December 1991".
6) .c9UJ1~~ a c9!I!I2..~~ regarding the condition of the lands around
Dunlops of Moonstone. Council directed the By-law Enforcement Officer talk
to Dunlops.
7) QQ"I,lliQil re~~ fram Hedburn Developnents for their proposed
developnent, pt Lot 55 Concession 1. Council decided to meet with their
Solicitor, Engineer and Police Village Trustee's to discuss this proposal.
8) Resolution 91-160 w~~ as follows:
" That Beatrice Woodrow be authorized to attend the Municipal Finance
Conference to be held in London on September 25 to 27, 1991".
9) E.e.12~~e<i.as follows:
" That WIn. Beck be authorized to attend an Inspection Course offered by the
Wood Energy Technical Training System in Markham, Ontario fram August 26
to 29th, 1991".
Y.arious ~t!1~~ and pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and
filed as informational.
Resolution~~-162 wa!2.J2~e<i as follows:
" That Roads Voucher #7 in the arrDunt of $107,236.27 be approved for payment".
August 12, 1991
Page three
~es~ 91-~~seq as follows:
" That General Voucher #8 in the arrDunt of $93,767.57 be approved for payment".
R~JJJtion31-1Q4..J!y:a~::L~E29 as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet agall1 on August 26, 1991 at 7: 00
P.M. " .
t. 11