09 04 1991 Sp Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held under Section 34 of the Planning Act to consider a By-law for rezoning lands, pt Lot 55 Con 1, at 7:30 P.M., September 4, 1991 in Hillsdale Corrmunity Centre. Present - Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey Councillors - J. Patterson - C. Hall Absent Reeve - I. Amos Councillor - N. Dalziel t Also Present - Mr. A. McNair - McNair & Marshall Mr. P. Smith - Reid and Associates Mr. P. Gleason - Reid and Associates Mr. G. Knox - Reinders & Associates Mr. B. Trotter - Reinders & Associates Mr. B. Still - Owner 50 Ratepayers ~ Deputy Reeve Vasey called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and welcomed those in attendance. He introduced the members of Council in attendance and turned the meeting over to the Clerk. He.Jidvised thQse in attendanc~ that the meeting was held under Section 34 of the Planning Act to consider an application for rezoning of lands, pt Lot 55 Con 1, to rezone the lands fram Rural Exception (RU-1) to Residential Exception Holding (Rl-8-H), Residential Exception Rl-9 and Residential Holding (R1-H) to allow for the developnent of a subdivision having a maximum of 74 lots. He advised that the lands have been designated for Residential DevelOl::ment in the Township Official Plan since 1978. Be adv~at nq:ti,QE2 was given by publishing an advertisement in the Elmvale Lance on August 14, 1991 and by mailing a notice to 67 Households in both Medonte and Flos Township who own land in the area of the developnent. Notice was also mailed to the Police Village Trustees, Township of Flos, County of Simcoe, Simcoe County District Health Unit, Ministry of Agriculture & Food, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Transportation, the two Boards of Education, Ontario Hydro, Consumers Gas, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and that no replies had been received. t He .~12:dvis~_j::h12:.:tl1r. Msf!9-iE would make a presentation on the proposed Zoning By- law and that their would be a question and answer period. He also introduced the Planning & Engineering Consultants for the Township and the Developer. .Mr.... Mctlair then presented the proposed By-law and explained the various zones and what they denoted. He advised the most of the developnent was also being placed in a Holding Zone so that no developnent could occur until the developer had met all the required conditions. He explained that some of the lots were undersize to the requirements of By-law 1990-22 and were being zoned as exceptions. t Deputy Reeve Vasey opened the floor for questions. ~- water tower being designed for future Paul Gleason advised that the water system and tower were being upgraded for a population of 1800 as well as sufficient fire protection. He advised that there is enough water in the system with the two wells. QllPst:inn - A resident fram Flos Township asked if the Flos Medonte Townline would be opened? The Clerk advised that the Townline would not be opened and that all lots would have access to internal streets. Wednesday September 4, 1991 Page two 'IHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Question - Will water supply system in entire Village be upgraded before developnent proceeds? Mr. Gleason presented a plan of the upgrading of mains for this developnent. He advised their would be no upgrading of mains in the Playford subdivision but that the water tower would provide everyone with increased pressure and better supply. t Mr. McNair advised that the mains in the P layford subdivision would be upgraded by developers when developnent occured in that area. b rate~~~as to why Council has allowed the Playford subdivision to develop on 2" mains. DE?~as.i3Y._.a4yisg~:Lthat the water system came under the jurisdiction of ~ the Police Village Trustees. ML...J2~..D.eni.;;;L_g Trustee of the Police Villlage have those in attendance a history of the water system since its beginnings in 1961. He noted that all additions and upgrading to the sys.tem have received the necessary government approvals and that the Playford subdivision water system was approved by the Ontario Water Resources System. He advised those in attendance that the Trustees operate the system at a small profit and upgrade as best they can with the funds available. He suggested that anyone who felt they could do a better job should run for election in the fall. 'J'he ~Le.zplg.med___that Council would be proceeding with the road closing and sale of not needed lane and road allowances in the area of this developnent. QuestioIl- What types of hames will be built? Mr. Stills advised that he has 6 or 8 different styles of homes. He also advised it was his intention to build the homes and not to sell individual lots. Mr. McNair advised that the Township Zoning By- law would require minimum house sizes of 110 sq metres. Question - Were School Boards consulted? t Mr. McNair advised that the Planning Department of the Board of Education were aware of all proposals for developnent within the Township. D~ty Reev.~_ Va~ asked those in attendance to forward any corrments they may have in writing. He declared they meeting closed at 8: 30 P.M. t Reet!t~~ ~