09 09 1991 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on September 9, 1991 in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present - Reeve - 1. Amos Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey Councillors - J. Patterson - C. Hall - N. Dalziel ~ AOOPTIQN QF MI~ ~~tion ~1-178 was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on August 26, 1991 the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on August 27, 1991 and the minutes of a Special Meeting under Section 34 of the Planning Act held on September 4, 1991 be adopted as printed and circulated". ~ CoJ.lll.Qil met with G. Ball, Township Roads Superintendent. Council decided to rehabilitate the Ingram-Pit if funds were available within the Budget. Council approved of providing culverts for houses on Mill Street to be put in by the Police Village Trustee's when they were doing Water Works. Council approved of offsetting the fencing for the Carly Pit in order that trees would not have to be removed. Council approved of hiring a grader with brusher to brush certain roads. 1) Mr. A.~ Ford, Solicitor approached Council on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Hock, pt Lot 18 Con 10 to request an Official Plan Amendment of their lands fram Agricultural to Rural in order to permit a severance. He advised that the lands were not agricultural and would best be used for residential purposes. Council deferred a decision and advised Mr. Ford they would contact him with their decision. 2) CaUI1cil met with Mr. & Mrs. B. Gordon, pt Lot 61 Con 2 to review their proposed recreational developnent. ~Council.advised that they favoured the proposal but would need to see a satisfactory hydrogeological study with reasonable use calculations, a traffic study, Health Unit comments as to septic and a revised scaled plan before they could proceed to a Public Meeting for rezoning. BUSINESS Beso]lltion 91:179 WrJR prJRsed as follows: " That Council approves of proceeding to a Public Meeting for a rezonlng, Mr. Keith wi?bb" " - 2) Reso~_pasRed as follows: " That Council accepts the resignation of Mr. D. Bell fram the Township of Medonte Committee of Adjustment effective October 11, 1991, with regret". 3) ~Q~.8J was~E29 as follows: " That Council approves of proceeding to a Public Meeting for a rezoning for Mrs. Graces Pipher". - 4) Resolution 91-182 was~ed as follows: " That Council approves of proceeding to a Public Meeting for a rezoning, Mr. G. Whiston". 5) ResQ~ution 91-183 was.12asse9 as follows: " That Council approves of proceeding to a Public Meeting for a rezoning, Mr. John Alexander". 6) Resolu1,ion..21-184 Wq.~ as follows: " That Council approves of proceeding to a Public Meeting for rezoning, Mrs. Elizabeth Agoston". 7) Resolut,ion~..21~-l 85 WgS l?i2ssed as follows: " That Council approves of proceeding to a Public Meeting for rezoning, Ernest Beach" . Monday September 9, 1991 Page two '!HE CDRPORATION OF '!HE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE 8) G~....r.~;r~q:u.est fram Mr. James Lawlor to have vacant lands exempted fram Garbage Collection charges. Council directed the Clerk advise Mr. Lawlor that they would not change their method of charging all properties. - 9) ResolutiolL9l.-=:J.B6.JlIla8...pasBed as follows: " That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an Encroachment Agreement for Buildings located on Lot 3, Plan 203, Village of Hillsdale, Township of Medonte" . 1 0 ) Res.Q],utiQJJ..~~21=.1.8.1~'d:gfL~S~d. as follows: " That Council approves of the following cancellations of assessment for reasons as stated: Roll No. 7-066-02 RP 2965 Ronald Lodge fram June 1, 1990 to September 1, 1990 as house not finished and not lived in until September 1, 1990. - Roll No. 2-121-02 RP 2055 Loree Suzanne Weatherall fram Janaury 1, 1990 to July 31, 1990 as house not finished and not lived in until July 31, 1990". 11) COur:lQil~reYieNed~YariQw;;; applications for severance. 12) ResollltiorL.9.~N.as_ge:t;~te(;l by recorded vote as follows: " That Council approves of Mr. & Mrs. Hock proceeding with an Official Plan Amendment on their property pt Lot 18 Con 10". Yeahs - Vasey, Patterson Nays - Hall, Dalziel, Amos PA$SINgyX.~hQQ)JlNT~~. 1 ) B.esolu.tion~18.9__.N:aS..passed~as follows: " That General Voucher #9 in the amount of $114,300.57 be approved for payment". 2) ResQl)Jtion.2J=m.JY:f\S~pg,!?9~~ as follows: " That Roads Voucher #8 in the arrDunt of $57,649.70 be approved for payment". 'ilariQus..~tberJ~rt_$ and pieces of correspondence were presented discussed and filed as informational. t COllnc;i 1 ~dec:ided.~tQ._hQ],d a special meeting on September 16, 1991 at 9: 00 a.m. to discuss various personel matters. fJ1IO~" B.esolution~91.=1.91~wa~~;;;l'3eg as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on September 23, 1991 at 7: 00 P.M.". t e~~ Reeve