09 23 1991 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on September 23, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present - Reeve - 1. Amos Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey Councillor - J. Patterson - C. Hall - N. Dalziel AOOPTION OF MINUTES . Resolution 91-192 was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on September 9, 1991 and the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on September 16, 1991 be adopted as printed and circulated~~. ~ 1) Coupc:hl reviewed_9!lJnvoice fram the Township of Oro for costs associated with restructuring sutmissions. Council deferred payment until discussing the arrDunts with the Township of Oro. 2) .C.Q.'!,lilQil reviewed...ll lette.r fram Hedbum Develop:Ilents requesting a recalculation of the proposed water levy in Hillsdale. Council directed the Clerk advise Hedbum that the amounts of the Levy had been adopted by Council and the Police Village Trustees. 3) Council reviewed three lett~ of objection received as a result of the Public Meeting held September 4/91 for rezoning of the Hedbum Develop:Ilents lands, pt Lot 55 Con 1. PASSING OF BY -LAWS 1) ~esolution 91-193~s passed as follows: " That a By-law to amend By-law 1990-22 and By-law 82-25, as amended, be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 23rd day of September, 1991 and numbered By-law 1991-27". NEW BUSINESS 1 ) g~olution 91- ~~jtVas passeQ as follows: " That Council of the Township of Medonte endorses a letter under date of August 15, 1991 fram the Orr Lake Ratepayers Association regarding the levels of Orr Lake". ~ 2) ResolutiQn 91-195 was passeg as follows: " That Council of the Township of Medonte endorses a resolution of the Township of Sambra requesting the Province accept the role of co-ordinating a 911 System throughout the Province". 3) 'rhe Province of Ont~ Wetlands Policy Statement was presented and discussed. ~ 4) A DevelQl2!!!ent~QLSt::udy for the Roe Subdivision Warminster, was presented and discussed. Council deferred any decision until hearing fram the Provincial Agencies and their Engineering and Planning Consultants. 1) Council di;rs&.ted~the-.G1..erk forward a letter to Mr. Michael D. Harris, M.P.P. supporting his Private Members Bill which would require the Province to balance their budget at least once every three years. 2) Resolution 91-196 was passed as follows: " That Council authorizes Mrs. Debbie Mooney take a Word Perfect Course at Midland High School at a cost of $95.00".