12 16 1991 Sp Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Monday, December 16, 1991 at 1:00 P.M. Present - Reeve - 1. Beard Deputy Reeve - N. Dalziel Councillors - D. Bell - M. Martin Absent - Councillor - W. Dickie Cooru.:.iL!:J::lf:Lwitb TQwnsbip Treasurer Beatrice Woodrow to discuss year end financial matters. as follows: That a By-law to set a rate of interest on unpaid taxes be considered, read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 16th Day of December, 1991 and numbered By-law 1991-33". " Re..s.clu~.~~ as follows: " That a By-law to appoint Municipal Auditors be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 16th Day of December, 1991 and numbered By-law 1991-34". " as follows: That a By-law to authorize the borrowing of funds be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 16th Day of December, 1991 and numbered By-Law 1991-35". Resol!J.:tiorL~J::2.4-3_was ~~ as follows: " That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to sIgn a Business Credit Service Agreement for borrowing purposes". Township By-law Enforcement Officer to discuss the renewal of his ernployment contract. Council met with Mr._ StLl~ervarLand Mr. Steve Smith who presented a proposal on behalf of the Frank Cowan Company for insurance for the year 1992. CounJ:lLJR~"L.~Wi1;b~~~ who presented a proposal on behalf of O.M.E. Insurance Brokers for insurance for the year 1992. of Maple Leaf Disposal to finalize the renewal of a contract for garbage collection for the year 1992. Rf:.sill1l11QJl..2L::2lfL~s.-p..a.s~<t as follows: " That a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement for the extension of the garbage and recycling contract be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 16th Day of Decernber, 1991 and numbered By-law 1991-31". 1) Council with a Financial Report to the middle of December. 2) Rf:S.Q1Ulio.~2lf.~-pa.s.s.e.d..as follows: " That Council write-off business tax in the amount of $74.89, Roll II 4--25300-0002". Monday, December 16, 1991 Page two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE 3} Resolytion 91-246 was passeg as follows: Moved by Dalziel Seconded by Bell That Council approves of the following cancellations of assessment for reasons as stated: . Roll No. Name Assessment Time Period Reason 2-025 Jas. & Darlene RP 1055 Richardson March 2/91 to Dec.31/91 House demolished 2-046 Bernard & Jacqueline Zinn RS 1500 Feb. 1 /91 to Dec.31/91 Jan. 1 /91 to Dec.31/91 Gross error of assessrr . 2-048,..03 Michael Johnson RP 575 Mary Jane Parent error in assessment 2-060 Eva J. Mudry RP 1539 Jan.l/91 to Dec.31/91 Gross error in assessm 5-026 884935 Ontario Ltd. RP 700 Jan.l/91 to Dec.31/91 Buildings destroyed 6-177 Michael Vander- geest RP 300 April 1/91 to Dec.31/91 Jan. 1 /91 to Dec.31/91 Barn demolished 7-020-05 Ross Woods RP 565 Mobile demolished 7-057-01 Donald Macdonald Karen Macdonald RP 550 Jan.l/91 to Dec.Yl/91 Razed by fire 81-115-40 Township of Medonte RP 20 Jan. 1 /91 to Dec.31/91 Property now exernpt Carried Beard - 4) .Resolution 91-~w9.s pass~ as follows: " That Councillors, Bell, Dickie and Martin be authorized to attend a Councillor Orientation Seminar to be held in Orillia on February 7, 1991". 5) BesolutioD 91-248 w~~ as follows: " That General Voucher II 12 in the amount of $193,092.52 be approved for payment". 6) Rpso!tltion 2 J -249 was passed as follows: " That Roads Voucher II 11 in the amount of $92,665.03 be approved for payment". t Moved by Bell Seconded by Martin That this meeting be adjourned.