03 10 1987 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday,
March 10, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Charnbers, Moonstone.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - 1. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
,Resolution 87-54 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held
on February 10, 1987 and the minutes of a special meeting held on February 17, 1987
be adopted as circulated".
Cot Inri I met with the Road's Superintendent and Roati's Foreman.
", Resolution 87 -55 ~ was passed as follows:
" That Council of the Township of Medonte petitions the Ministry of Transportation
and Communications for subsidy on the 1987 program of proposed expenditures
in the amount of $ 745,500.00".
Resolution 87-56 was passed as follows by recorded vote:
" That it be a policy that the Roads Crew only assist people who are stuck on the
road if they are interfering with snow removal".
Yeahs - Clarke, Vasey, Beleskey, Beard and Amos
B.f'-s()ltltion 87-5.Z was passed as follows:
" That G. Ball be authorized to attend the 1987 T.J. Mahony Road School from May
3 to May 6".
,ResolutiQn 87-58 was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to implement a set of duties, responsibilities and terms of employment
be considered read a first and second time.'
Resolution 87-59 was passed as follows:
" That it be a policy of Council that any employee called out on the weekend be
entitled to three hours of wages to be effective March 1, 1987".
Council directed"~Jhe night man be given notice he would be laid off on March 27/87.
CQuncil direcie.Q the Clerk write the County and request they cut trees along Horseshoe
22 on both sides of the 11 th Concession.
Council directe.dJ)eputy Reeve Beard ask Mr. Bidmead to pick up his trees along the
9th Concession by March 17, 1987.
_Co.un.ciL~with Mr. R. Van Valkenburg and Mr. J. Oakley to discuss the renovation of
the Warminster Community Hall to allow for Special Occasion Permits.
....Resolutioo 8Z -6~Q__was defeated as follows by recorded vote:
" That Council approves of the renovation of the Warminster Cornmunity Hall to allow
for Special Occasion Permits".
Yeahs - None
Nays - Vasey, Beleskey, Beard, Clarke and Amos
March I U,I n
Reso!tltiOl) gZ-61 was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to assume the roads within the Mt. St. Louis Estates be considered
read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th day of March,
1987 and be numbered By-Law 87-4".
.-R.e..5.Olu1iorLJ$.l.:::.6L. was passed as f 0 110 w s:
" That A by-Law to incorporate the streetlights in the Mt. St. Louis Estates into the
Municipal System be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and
passed this 10th day of March and numbered By-Law 87-5".
ResQlution 87 -h" was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to assume the roads within the Day Subdivision be considered read a
first and second time, read a third time and passed this 1 Oth day of March, and numbered
By-Law 87-6".
Resol1Jtion 87=~as passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to incorporate the streetlights in the Day Subdivision into the Municipal
System be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th
day of March and numbered By-Law 87-7".
E~5Dlu1lon..,_.8Z::..6.2 was passed as follows:
" That Council offers for sale to the Province of Ontario the road allowances within
Copeland Forest, comprising a total area of 85.74 acres at a price of $90,000.00".
Resolution 87 -~ was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the subdividers of the two subdivisions in Moonstone of
placing a temporary sales building on their property.
And that Council request a meeting with the developer to discuss their plans".
..Re..s.o~~was passed as follows:
" That Medonte Council approves of a cancellation of residential public assessment in
the amount of $505., Roll 3-081, Robert Chesney, for the period May 1/86 to Dec.31/86,
8 months and all of 1987 due to building demolished".
Resolution 87-68 was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher II 3 in the amount of $33,016.80 IS hereby approved for payment".
Resolution 87-69 was passed as follows:
" That Roads Voucher II 2 in the amount of $40,656.20 is hereby approved for payment".
. Resohltion....8Z::Z!2. was passed as follows:
" That Jack Clarke is hereby appointed as Council' representative to the "Management
Committee" of the Coldwater and District Community Centre".
and that Ian Beard is hereby appointed as Council's representative to the "Operations
Committee" of the Coldwater and District Community Centre".
J:Q.UILciL.d.eLi.de.d to hold a Special Meeting on March 16 at 7:00 P.M. and March 17 at 7:00 P.M
to discuss development proposals.
"~us other reports, pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as
R eSOll1tiQLL.&.ZdJ._~was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet