06 09 1987 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Towns.hip of Medonte held on Tuesday, June 9,
1987 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone
Present - Reeve - 1. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
-ResolutioD ~7 -JJU~was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, May
26, 1987 be adopted as circulated".
_CQuru:jl.JneJ.....wJthMr. E. Robertson, Township Road's Superintendent.
",Resolution ~..=JJta._..was passed as follows:
" That Council request permission from the Ministrvni' Natural Resources to operate a
Wayside Pit on the property of Mr. Clarence Nicholson, Pt. Lot 16, Con. 10".
. R~sol1lti0J:L.8..l:1g,.9. was passed as follows:
" That it be a policy of Council that all ratepayers purchase and install the first entrance
culvert to their property
And that any replacement after the initial culvert will be at the expense of the Township".
~QjutL9-D-&.Z:::L2Q.was passed as follows:
" That Mr. Buchanan be advised that if he requires a second entrance that he be responsible
for th~ punchase and installation".
~.&Z::.Li.L...was passed by recorded vote as follows:
" That the ratepayers in Hi11sdale who recently had culverts installed at their entrance be
billed for the cost of the culvert".
Yes - Ron Beleskey, Ian Beard and Clarke
No - Vasey and Amos
~lL_~ - L52~was passed as follows:
" That Lytle Johnstone be hired to sweep the Township roads at a rate of $20.00 per hour".
(:ouncil dirpcted _the Roads Superintendent proceed with the construction job on the 1 st
Concession. Council also directed the Superintendent contact gravel companies and invite them
to tender on the Township's gravel needs.
.,.eMr. & Mrs. ..L.L~Horne and Police Village Trustees Jim Rumble and Doug St. Denis. There was
a discussion on servicing the Jots for the severances on Mr. Horne~ land. Council asked Mr.
Horne obtai n a cost for the drainage, and the Trustees obtain a cost on the water main.
Council will look after the required bushing.
Jhere Wr1S a Iso...B discussion with the Trustees regarding Property Standards By-Laws and Parking
~ By-laws.
the Bonaire Golf Club approached Council to have a key for the Waste Site.
Council advised him that no one was getting keys and that the site was strictly being controlled.
__ 1) Resolution ~J 53.~was passed as follows:
" That Council feels the appraisal submitted for the Road Allowances in the Copeland
Forest is low;
and based on what the Province charged Council tn '1urchase land for road widening
purposes in 1982 Council requests the sum of $78,000.00".
JUlie 7, 1701
,.2) ResoltJtion 8Z::::.L5JL. was defeated as follows:
" That Council approves of the proposal as outlined in a letter from the Township of
Flos under date of May 26, 1987 subject that the landowners also relieve Medonte
township of all liability regarding the road allowance".
.,,3J-~clu1LQIL.~Z=122__ was def ea ted as follows:
" That Council approves of a donation in the amount of $250.00 to the Wye Marsh
Wildlife Centre for the year 1987".
?J.) Resolution ~l.2~....was passed as follows:
" That Council directs the Clerk prepare a By-Law to control the removal of topsoil
for presentation at the next Council Meeting".
5) Resolution 87-157 Yias passed as follows:
" Whereas Mr. John Marshall has been advised by the Worker's Compensation Board
that he will have a monthly disability pension effective May 30, 1987;
Therefore Mr. Marshall be terminated as an employee of the Township and be
removed from the Township Benefit Plan effective June 30, 1987".
,&}. Resolution -8Z::l.2.&....was passed as follows:
" That Road's Voucher II 5 in the amount of $80,013.48 is hereby approved for payment".
/7) Resohltion-.&Z:::J-22 was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher II 6 in the amount of $63,650.12 is hereby approved for payment".
.Resolut!m-87 -~~ was passed as follows:
" That this meetihg be adjourned to meet again on June 23, 1987 at 7:00 P.M.".