07 28 1987 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, July
28, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
Councillors .. H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
.Resolution g7-J~as passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on July 14, and the minutes of
a Special Meeting of Council held on July 23 be adopted as printed and circulated".
passed as follows:
That a By-Law to regulate and prohibit the removal of Topsoil within the Township of
Medonte be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this
28th day of July, 1987 and numbered By-Law 87-16".
was passed as follows:
That a By-Law to designate a portion of the Township a suburban district under the
Bee's Act be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this
28th day of July and numbered By-Law 87-17".
approached Council regarding obtaining a building permit on his property, lot
19, Concession 10. He explained his property is not on a serviced road. Council suggested
he contact the Ministry of Transportation & Comrnunications who own land which would give
hLy) road access to see if he can purchase the required land.
approached Council regarding purchasing a small parcel of land
which the Township owns and which abutts their holding. Resolution 87-202 was passed
as follows:
" That COUllCi! approves of selling a sm::dl:'f land , pL Let 16, Con 14, to Mr
L. Billington at a price of $400.00 plus legal fees"_
was passed as follows:
That Council approves of the conversion of an old house, pt. Lot 14, Con. 11, to a
storage building subject that tt1e building corriplies to the Township Zoning By-Law
and subject the building is not used for residential purposes".
LounclL_a.pp.Q~Deputy-Reeve Beard to respresent them at the City of OrWia Great
Bathtub Race.
passed as follows:
That George de Munnik be appointed to the Warminster Water Cornmittee;
And that Michael de Munnik be hired to read the meters for the War minster System".
passed as follows:
That Council recornmends file B-23/87, Frantz, tor approval".
defeated as follows;
That Council recornrnends file B-24/87, Leitch, for approval".
..t".B.fsollJtion 87-207 was passed as follows:
" That Council recommends file A-.2/87, Hutchinson & Cook for approval".
..R 1;'5011 ItlOD .8.Z::~was passed as follows:
ii That Council recommends file B.25/87, Morrison, for approval".
Resol\lrio!L.8l~..was passed as follows:
" That Council recommends file B-26/87, McCarthy, for approval".
_.~8L::.2.1Q..was passed as follows;
" That Council recommends file B-27 /87, Drury, for approval".
l.ollnri Ilor .Y~~.declared a conflict of interest and did not vote on this resolution.
passed as follows by recorded vote:
Whereas Council have been advised that Mr. E. Robertson has been drinking on the job;
And whereas Mr. Robertson has refused an offer of assistance for his alcohol problern;
And whereas Council is not satisfied with his performance on the job;
Therefore Mr. Robertson is hereby suspended frorn work immediately;
And that a hearing under section 99 of th~' Municipal will be held at the Township Office
Office on Tuesday, August 11, 1987 at 7:uO P.M. regarding his dismissal".
Yeahs -- Ron Beleskey, Beard, Vasey, J. Cla.rke, 1. Arnos
Nays -
was passed as follows;
That in the absence of the Road's Superintendent and the Road's Foreman, Mr. A. Bell
will be appointed as Acting Supervisor".
_-Re.s~ was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, August 25, 1987".