02 11 1988 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held m Council
Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario February 11, 1988.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
CounciIIors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
....Reeve 6mos caIL~~...Jhe meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. to discuss wages.
Moved by Beleskey
Seconded by Beard
That Council go into Committee of the Whole at 8:00 P.M."
~ncil asked the Clerk to leave the room.
Moved by Beleskey
Seconded by Beard
" That Council come out of Committee of the Whole at 9:05 P.M."
Resolution.&&3J was passed as follows:
" That Council set the Township wages for the year 1988 at the following rates:
1) Clerk
2) Treasurer
3) Building Inspector/Fire Chief
4) Road's Superintendent
5) Road's Foreman
6) Grader Operator
7) Truck Driver
8) Waste Site Operator
9) Secretary
10) Part Time Office
11 ) Dog Control
12) Part Time - Other
S 11.50 per hour
$11.25 per hour
$10.95 per hour
$10.25 per hour
$9.00 per hour
$7.7 5 per hour
$7.75 per hour
$8. 14- per hour
Resolution 88:::12. was passed as foIIows:
" That Council increase their yearly remuneration to $4-,000.00 per year for the Reeve
and $3,000.00 for the Deputy-Reeve and CounciIIors and increase the meeting
allowance from $4-5.00 to $50.0'0 for the Reeve and $4-0.00 to $4-5.00 for the Deputy-
Reeve and CounciHors".
Council .approved of .llpdating the benefit plan to provide for full disability coverage up
to 66% over $500.00 per week and approved of upgrading the dental plan to current fee
,C:ollnri I discussed-Lhanging the vacation schedule to provide for 3 weeks vacation after
8 years instead of 10 years. They deferred decision.
~he.d..tbe Clerk with regard to upgrading his posltlOn to Administrator.
They directed he prepare a report for Council and present an appointment By-Law to
the next meeting.
Resolution 88-,33 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned".