03 10 1988 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Thursday,
March 10, J 988 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
-ResJ21u:tion 88-4-8 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held under Section 34 of the Planning
Act on February 25, 1988, the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on February
25, 1988, and the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on March J, 1988 be
adopted as circulated and amended".
Council met y,zitb..Mr. R. Russell, Mr. W. Koughan, Township Solicitors and Mr. G. Grupp,
Mr. C. Farnum, Ms. D. Burridge to discuss development of Plans M-123 and M-101. Mr.
Russell requested permission to meet with Council in Committee.
Moved by Beard
Seconded by Beleskey
" That Council go into Committee of the Whole".
Moved by Beard
Seconded by Beleskey
" That Council come out of Committee of the Whole"
~~had a lengthy discussion with Mr. Grupp regarding proposals for development. There
was a discussion regarding the amount ,.-.f security for Plan M-1 0 1. Council deferred decision
and asked the developers to wait until later in the meeting.
Mr. P. Trilsbeck approached Council with a proposal for a multi-residential development on
a Commercial property, Part Lot 5, Concession 14-, W arminster. Council did not feel they
had enough information on the project but in general felt that they preferred the property
remain Commercial.
passed as follows:
That a By-Law to appoint a Chief Building Official for the Township be considered
read a first and second time".
a proposal from Mr. O. Edwards to redesign his draft plan of subdivision
sell Council some land to be added to the Vasey Park. Council directed the Clerk
contact Mr. Edwards for a price.
J) ResolutiQn 88- 50 was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher 1/ 3 in the amount of $42,960.46 is hereby approved for payment".
21 ResQIIJtian 88-51 was passed as follows:
" That Road's Voucher 1/ 2 in the amount of $46,832.74- IS hereby approved for payment".
March 10, 1988
Page 2
was passed as follows:
That Gary Cunnington be authorized to attend the Association of Municipal Clerks
and Treasurers Seminars and Annual Meeting to be held in Toronto from June 24- to
29, 1988".
~ 2) Resolutj...Qc:LM=2J~~was passed as follows:
" That Council of the Township of Medonte petitIOns the Ministry of Transportation
_ for subsidy on the 1988 Program of Proposed Expenditures in the amount of $776,800.00".
--1L"~olutJor:L~~::.2.!t was passed as follows:
" That Council requests approval from the Ministry of Natural Resources to operate a
wayside pit on Townsbip property,part lot 62, concession 1".
_Variou::; other pif'c.es....ot correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational.
~Council ~nc~ again met with their Solicitor and the Developer's Solicitor.
J) Resolution ~8- 55 ...was passed by recorded vote as follows:
" That Council accept the amount of $40,000.00 as letter of credit for security for
the Subdivision of Plan M-l 0 I".
Yeahs - Beleskey, Beard, Amos
Nays - Vasey, Clarke
2} Re5-pltJtiqn ~~-56 was passed as follows:
" Whereas the municipality is engaged in legal negotiations with the owner of Plan M-l 0 1
and Plan M-123 with respect to security to guarantee construction of municipal services
to the required standards;
And whereas Mr. W. D. Russell, solicitor for the municipality has prepared the
following documents for consideration by Council:
1. Recommendation to Councili:l:ati':D Saturday, February 27, 1988.
2. Recommendation to Council Re: Plan M-I01 revised Wednesday, March 9, 1988.
3. Legal Memorandum regarding security and possible legal problems on Plan M-l 01
and M-123.
The Municipal Council of the Township of Medonte resolves as follows:
~ 1. That it adopts the recommendations of Mr. Russell listed above.
Dated at Moonstone, Ontario this 10th day of March, 1988".
,,~Re~Qlu~L was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to repeal By-Law 88-1 be considered read a first and second time, read
a third time and passed this 10th day of March, 1988 and numbered By-Law 88-8".
..c.QU1lcit~dire<;;!~.Q.Jhe Clerk advise the developer in writing that they consider the subdivider's
agreement for plans M-l Oland M-123 to be in good standing with regards to the revised letters
of credi t.
J~~21illtQn.Q~:::2.,8" was passed as f 01 lows:
If That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on March 22, 1988 at 7:00 P.M.
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