06 14 1988 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regualr Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday,
June 14, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present Deputy-Reeve - I. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
Reeve - I. Amos
. Re~oJ\)tion 88-122 was passed as follows:
" That Depujy-Reeve I. Beard assume the duties of Reeve for this Council Meeting
in the absence of the Reeve".
Resollltioo 88-12~as passed as follows:
It That the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township held on May
17, 1988 and the minutes of a Regular Meeting held on May 24-, 1988 and the
minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on June 7, 1988 be adopted as
printed and circulated".
Council met witb_JYlr. Ball and Mrs. Vivian regarding the Old Coldwater Road. Council
explained that they had concerns over the bridge and doing much maintenance on the
road. Both Mr. Ball and Mrs. Vivian advised Council they make use of the road and
require that it be kept maintained and open. Council asked them if they would be
interested in purchasing the road. Council directed the Clerk contact the Ministry of
Transportation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Township Solicitor to investigate
the proposal.
COL1D!:il discuss~ request from Seely & Arnil to increase their pit licence.
Resolutimfi: 88-124- was passed as follows:
" That Council has no objection to the request of Seeley & Arnill Aggregates Ltd.
applying for an increase in licence from 400,000 tons per year to 1,000,000 tons
per year from the pit they are leasing from Mr. J. Richardson, pt. of lot /, Con. 3".
Ton Truck complete with trade-in
Lewis Motor Sales
Douglas Lincoln Mercury
Alex Currie Motors
--R.e.s.olu1~8.::,122."."..was passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the quotation of Alex Currie Motors Ltd. in the amount of
$55,709.12 for the supply of one 5 Ton Truck complete with two way sand box
subject that the quotation is in compliance with the Township specifications and
subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation".
ResQlutioo ~126._was passed as follows:
" That Council requests permission to operate a wayside pit permit, on the land
of Mr. Clarence Nicholson, Pt. Lot 17, Con. 10".
COUDC!~L~h..Mr. L. Horne regarding his subdivision in Hillsdale. He advised that
in order to meet some of the requirements regarding backslope of ditches he had put
culverts in the ditches and covered them over.
June 14-, 1988
Page 2
Resolu.tiillL..&&12L was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the drainage plans by Mr. L. Horne in his subdivision at
the corner of Mill Street, subject that a manhole is not required by the Township
Engineer if only 60 ft. of culvert are installed".
Mr. D. Bac.bly.....,glQ.J]g. with his Engineer, Planner and Hydrologist met with Council and
their Planner and presented preliminary plans for development of his property, Part
lot 15, Con. 8.
~=J2.8 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of Mr. Bachly proceeding with meeting with the Township
Planner and Engineer and proceeding with preparing an Official Plan Amendment".
.;; Fire Chief J. Oakley, firefighters K. Copeland, D. Pell and J. Eakley presented Council
with quotations for building a; tank truck and renovating and building new fire halls.
Council deferred decision until a full Council was present and requested the Chief
obtain prices on used tankers and new fire tankers,
, J) Resolution 88::129 was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to dedicate land to be a roadway be considered read a first
and second time, read a third time and passed this 14-th day of June, 1988
and numbered By-Law 88-17".
2) Re5.Q~UQ was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to authorize the sale of lano be considered read a first and
second time, read a third time and passed this 14-th day of June, 1988 and
numbered By-Law 88-18".
J) ResQlution 88-131 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the Minister's modifications reflecting the recommend-
ations of the Ministry of the Environment;
And that Council wish to advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs that they
are not in favour of the recommendations of the Ministry of Culture and
2) RE'solution 88-1J2 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of W. D. Kirby & Associates meeting with the Township
Planners to review their proposal for development, Pt. E-l/2 Lot 1, Con. 7".
3) ResQluliOJ:LB.&...U.l", was passed as follows:
" That Council strongly endorses the Resolution regarding changes to the Municipal
Election System".
was passed as follows:
That Council approves of proceeding with a rezoning for Pat Gangnon, for the
former United Church in Hillsdale to allow a residential use and a small
commercial use".
CnllnC'illor Be~y...~declared a conflict of interest and did not vote on the passmg of
Road's Voucher.
~ E'soJ~~as passed as follows:
" That Road's, Voucher II 5 in the amount of $62,840.59 be apppoved for payment".
, R E'sol1ltion gS-136 was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher II 6 in the amount of $61,035.88 be approved for payment".
June 14-, J 988
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Besolll!ion gg-137 was passed as follows:
" That the Deputy-Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute a development agreement
with Mr. Barker regarding the Ken Robbins severance".
;Resolution 88=lJ1L was passed as follows:
" That Council objects to Severance File B-56/88 on the grounds that they do no! want
entrances on the Mt. St. Louis Road".
Various other pieces of correspondence and reports were presented, discussed and
filed as informational.
. .Resolution 88-139 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet agalll on Tuesday, July 12, 1988 at 7:00 P.M.