08 23 1988 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, August
23,1988 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
Resolution 88-192 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on
Tuesday, August 9, 1988 be adopted as printed and Circulated".
Council met with G. Ball, Township Road's Superintendent.
Resolution 88-193 was passed as follows:
" That Council requests amendment to the Site Plan for the Township Gravel Pit, Pt. Lot 19,
Cone. 13, Licence II 3070 to show the new entrance and storage building".
Council deferred entering into a contract with Radio-Com for a rental until a second quotation
is received.
COllncil directed the Clerk place an ad 1Il the local papers for the removal of wood at the gravel
pit, lot 19, Con. 13.
1) Resolution 88-19lL...was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law providing for the erection of stop signs be considered read a first and
second time, read a third time and passed this 23rd day of August, 1988 and numbered
By:-Law 88-23".
1) Resolution 88-195 was passed as follows:
" That Council has no objection to Mrs. M. Edwards, pt. lot 24, con. 5, contacting the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs to drop the Draft Plan of Subdivision from her land".
2) Council deferred decision on placing a question regarding French Language Service on
ballot until receiving legal advice".
1,) Councillor Beleskey declared a conflict of interest on the Road's Voucher and did not vote
on the matter.
Resolution 88-196 was passed as follows:
" That Road's Voucher II 7 in the amount of $72,107.37 is hereby approved for payment".
2) Resolution 88-197 was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher II 8 in the amount of $83,094-.28 be approved for payment".
1) Mr. J. Rynar~Lapproached Council with preliminary plans for a subdivision on a portion of
his land, pt. lot 10, con. 12. Council felt it was a good location due to its proximity to
Highway 12. They agreed in principal with the development being 1 acre lots as the land IS
not treed and two acre lots would be too large.
Council approved of Mr. Rynard retaining a Planning Consultant and proceeding with an
Official Plan Amendment.
",--2.L~~LD..Kirb}'_&:..As.s.ocla1e~ presented their proposal for a 50 lot development, part lot 1
con. 7. There was a discussion regarding the need for the lots and Councillor Clarke
suggested a Market Survey to see if the proposal was viable. Council agreed with the
premise of 1 acre lots as this land is also open and felt two acre lots would be too
large. Council approved of the Developer proceeding with the preparation of an Official
Plan Amendment.
- 3) G. B~~~um~e.lL,.presented a proposal for 14- lots on a 7.8 acre parcel at
the end of Albert Street in Hillsdale. As the land is already designated Residential in
the Official Plan it will require a draft plan and rezoning. Mr. Bell left the information
with Council for their review.
LJJ t.OIlociLmet wittLJ. Oakley, Township Fire Chief. Two quotations were received for the
purchase and removal of the HillsdaJe Fire Hall.
1) Jack Caston Construction, Wyevale
2) Mr. Robert Espey, Medonte Township
ResohJtiQIL.&.&-i2..& was defeated as follows:
" That Council accepts the quotation of Jack Caston Construction in the amount of
$1,600.00 for the purchase and removal of the firehall in Hillsdale".
Council decid.e.d..Jo have the Township's Employees remove the building for possible
future use.
.~~::12.9~~was passed as follows:
" That Council directs the Road's Superintendent and Fire Chief arrange to take the
Hillsdale Fire Hall down".
~CllSSed the possible purchase of a used Tank Truck which members of Council
had gone to look at.
.ResolutiQn....&.&.:...2QCLwas passed by recorded vote as follows:
" That Council offers Suburban Transport $4-4,000.00 for the purchase of a used 1984-
White Western Star Tank Truck".
Yeahs - Beleskey, Beard, Vasey
Nays - Clarke, Amos
~~~jirect~d~ the old cab and chassis be offered for sale by tender.
_VgrioJJ~_.Q!be.r_U;:p~Q[_~ and correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational.
Re$ollltiOO:=:EK;2QJ. was passed as follows:
11 That this meeting be adjourned to meet agam on Tuesday, September 13, 1988 at 7:00 P.M.