09 13 1988 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, September 13,
1988 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
Rpsoll!tion ..88-202~as passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on
August 23, 1988 be adopted as printed and circulated".
. .enl mci I met wLtl::l..-Mr. G. Ball, Township Road's Superintendent.
RpsollJtioI'L.8&2Q..1.,was passed as follows:
" That the Road's Department purchase bagged or bulk calcium to place on roads to the
amount budgeted at the beginning of the year".
Resolution 88::2.QlLwas passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a lease agreement with Radio-Com for a period of 4- years
in the amount of $2,160.00 per year less 10% for prepayment".
1) (Mr,: C. Bmifus-.iilll2.roached Council regarding his subdivision m Hillsdale.
_~tlon 8..8.:2.Q2.....was passed as follows:
" That Council accepts a cash settlement of $13,500.00 plus a culvert he has purchased
from Mr. C. Bouius in lieu of his working on Mill Street for drainage".
ResolutioJ::L...~.Q.Q_~..was passed as follows:
" That Council accept a Letter of Credit in the amount of $63,550.00 which includes
a deposit for hardtop plus cash deposits as required in the Subdivision Agreement
for the Vespra Construction Subdivision".
""Resolu:t.ioJ::t...RR:20.Z was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the street lighting proposal of Vespra Construction".
~.2} Mr. L. Horne sl!212IQachecL._Council regarding his subdivision in Hillsdale.
Resolution 88-208 was passed as follows:
" That Council refund the Letter of Credit of Mr. Horne and assume the roads 111 the
Subdi vision".
Council agrt~~_d to a~cept a cash deposit from Mr. Horne for a manhole if required and
asked the Clerk obtain an estimate.
:3) Couodl met wiilimmembers of the Hillsdale Park Board and received estimates for
work at the Hillsdale Park.
....Res.olution ..&&2Cl9.. was passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the quotation of Sexton's Sheet Metal & Heating Ltd. in the
amount of $3,172.00 for upgrading the heating system at the Hillsdale Park Building,
to be paid out of Park Fund".
L~Qlution 88.:::21Q_..was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of an expenditure of $150.00 plus tax for a locking device
for the park storage building to be paid out of the Park Fund".
....&sol~8.8.::2JJ was passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the quotation of
amount of $470.00 labour included for
paid out of the Park Fund".
Sexton's Sheet Metal and Heating Ltd. in the
safety guards around light standards, to be
September 13, 1988
Council met with Mr. J. Rumble, Police Village Trustee. He presented a request to
have Council turn over the old fire hall in Hillsdale to the Village.
Council deferred a decision.
_~~ also requested permission to investigate placing their pump house into
a basement room in the new Fire Hall. Council has no objection as long as the changes
required were paid for by the waterworks.
_ There .wa~.s.L,.Q.l~<;:JJ~~i()p on development in Hillsdale and Council decided to meet with the
developers and the Police Village Trustees and the Township Engineer on Monday, Sept. 19,
1988 at 7:00 P.M.
5,} Mr;. R. IS..~.and Mr. A. Ford approached Council with a revised plan of subdivision
for the land of Mr. K. Robbins. Council gave approval in principal to proceed with the
preparation of an Official Plan Amendment.
~QiQJ,!!.:n~9 for a ten minute break.
Cotlnri 1~!:LI,ec..~.y'~d a large delegation from the Alliance for Preservation of English
regarding the upcoming Municipal Election. Council reviewed a legal opinion from their
Solicitor on the matter.
Rf'solution 88-212 was passed as follows:
" That the question:
" Are you in favour of English being the only official language of the Province of
Ontario, its government, institutions and services?"
be placed on the ballot at the next municipal election".
1) COLJndl directed the Clerk contact the Ministry of Environment regarding grants
for recycling.
2} Council directed the Clerk contact Mr. Ball and Mrs. Vivian to offer to sell them the
old Coldwater Road.
u._J} CQuncil~.1i. request to purchase a portion of unopen, unused road allowance by
Mr. & Mrs. Yanuziello in Hilsdale.
Resolution 88-213~ was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher 1/ 9 in the amount of $60,366.37 be approved for payment".
~~-21!.Lwas passed as follows:
" That Road's Voucher 1/ 8 in the amount of $39,852.78 be aprpoved for payment".
~:tiQn-8&21:L.~as defeated as follows:
" That James Oakley be authorized to attend a course on parts 3, 6 and 9 of the Ontario
Building Code to be held at Georgian College on December 12-16, 1988".
~LJ>.!.~.s:.es~of correspondence and reports were presented to Council, discussed and filed.
Resolution 88-216 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet agalll
September 27, at 7:00 P.M.