09 19 1988 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on Monday, September 19, 1988 at 7:00 P.M.
in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
Also present - P. Smith of Reid & Associates
- J. Rumble - Hillsdale Police Village Trustee
- D. St. Denis - Hillsdale Police Village Trust
- Mr. Bryan Mackell
- Mr. D. Brumwell
- Mr. Philips
- Mr. G. Newton
- Mr. G. Teskey
- Mr. T. Tjursma
_<::~Qyncil_Ql~.t.lirTI. with Mr. P. Smith, Township engineer and the Trustees of the Police Village
to discuss the proposals for development of over 250 lots in Hillsdale. The main concern of
the development was the upgrading and expansion of the water system. Mr. Smith reported
that probably three things be required. These would be a new well, a new pumphouse, and a
storage tower. In round numbers he felt this would run around $3500,00.00. To be certain
of the figure, a report would have to be prepared using proper aerial photography.
__Council then met .~ith the three developers concerned. They advised all parties that they
would require a special lot levy to update the water service up front. All three parties stated
their agreement to this type of condition. They asked if Council and the Trustees would
rather have each development serviced with their own system. Council and the Trustees stated
that aU development would be included with the present system.
COlJr)Cil :thanked all the parties involved for their attendance and advised them that the
Clerk would advise them of their decision as to whether all the development would proceed.
. After a length~ discussion Council directed the Clerk advise the developers of the following:
~' J) That Co!Jlli:lLappr.o~.ci_ln principal of their proceeding with their development
--12 That af~:;;,11td~__\~.&l:;; done to determine exactly what was needed for the water system
each party would be required to put up a special water levy to cover the costs involved.
sepera te from the normal lot levy, water connection fee
and Parkland dedication.
)) That a .phas~ng w,QlJld...he required to be constructed to be self-sufficient if further phases
did not proceed, including but not limited to looped water mains, proper road design with
a munimum of cul-de-sacs and dead ends etc.
,R"esolution 88-217 was passed by recorded vote as follows:
" That a By-Law to obtain the opinion of the electors be considered read a first and
second time, read a third time and passed this 19th day of September, 1988 and numbered
By-Law 88-24-".
Yeahs - Clarke, Vasey, Beleskey, Beard, Amos
Nays -
Resolution 88-218 was passed as follows:
" That Council directs that the cash settelment with Vespra Construction for future
drainage purposes be deposited to the Road's Department, Capital Work's Account".
" Resolution 88-219 was passed as follows:
" Tha t this meeting be adjourned".