10 11 1988 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, October
11, 1988 in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I. Amos
Councillors- H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
. . Resolution 88-226 ~as passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on September 27, 1988 be adopted
as printed and circulated".
Council me:L..with Mr. G. Ball, Township Road's Superintendent. There was a discussion on using
extra funds from the construction side of the budget. Council agreed with purchasing and placing
gravel on the 9th, 11 th and 12th concessions.
,Cound I cf i rf'rtf'd the Clerk place an advertisement 111 the local newspapers for a wingman for the
Tbere WiiS a cfiscl\5Si.o.n regarding the weekend use of the 72 Ton Truck.
Resolution 88-:2:27 was passed as follows by recorded vote:
" That Council allows the Road's Superintendent direct the use of the Township Half Ton
on weekends for patrol purpose".
Yeahs - Beleskey, Vasey, Clarke, Amos
Nays -
1) Mr. T. Crowe of Orr Lake Golf met with Council with regard to his request for change in his
liquor licence. He e)(plalned that the change will give him a year round licence so he does not
to' apply for Special Occasion Permits. Council agreed to notify the Liquor Licence Board this
would nO't be a problem with regard to zoning but they would require compliance to the
Building Code and Fire Code.
2) Mr. G. New..1O.n.. approached Council to discuss his starting his proposed subdivision with a group
of severances if he agrees to upgrade the water system to the required standard. Council
expressed concern that if the the severances were granted the remainder of the subdivision
might not go ahead. As a result they refused Mr. Newton's request.
~ Resolution 88-228 ,was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to provide for the sale of lot 83, Plan 1650 be considered read a first and
second time, read a third time and passed this 11 th day of October, 1988 and numbered
By-law 88-26".
ResolutiQn 88.::229 was passed as follows:
That Council agrees to the formation of a Water Work's Commitee for the Medonte Hills
Water System and appoints the following residents to the Committee
( 1) Gordon Wilson
(2) John Gould
(3) Sid Wisner
(4) Paul Garside
(5) Sydney Black".
<. 2} Resolution 88-2;36 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the sale of the old Hillsdale Fire Hall to the Police Village
of Hillsdale for $2,500.00".
October 11, 1988
Page two
1) Resolution 88-231 was passed as follows: (Councillor Beleskey declared a conflict of
interest and did not vote on this resolution)
" That General Voucher 1/ lOin the amount of $462,053.56 is hereby approved for
2) Resolution 88-232 was passed as follows:
~ " That Road's Voucher II 9 in the amount of $52,212.76 is hereby approved for payment".
. Various other reports and pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as
informa tional.
Resolution 88-233 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, October 25, 1988 at 7:00 P.M.".