10 25 1987 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, October
25, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- R. Beleskey
- J. Clarke
~ Resolution M.::2lL was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on October 11, 1988 be adopted
as printed and circulated".
__._Council met with Mr. G. Ball, Road's Superintendent.
_,Jl~.Bes_ill.u..tim:L_8.8:::2J5_ was passed as follows:
" That Mr. P. Belanger be appointed as a full time employee effective October 26,1988".
_.~._21~ Clerk-p.r~~_e.DJ~g. a request from Mr. Tinnev in Hillsdale for a culvert in the ditch in front
of his house in Hillsdale. Council directed the superintendent do what he can until spring.
"..~,J:ouru::iLQJlell.e.cLquotations for the cutting and removal of wood from around the gravel pit
Lot 19, Con. 13
(1) Mr. A. J. Bell -
$5.00 per cord
(2) Mr. Jack Mills - stated he would want wood plus $390.00.
..~Qj!J1io~was passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the quotation of Allan J. Bell in the amount of $5.00 per bush cord
for the cutting and removal of wood from around the Township Gravel Pit, Pt. Lot 19,
Con. 13;
And that the Township will bear no responsibilities for any injuries incurred on their
~~CO\lr:LclLop.ened._quotations for the purchase of 1970 Ford Louisville cab & chassis. There
were two quotations received.
1) Keith Borbidge
2) A.Douglas Bidmead Excavating
$1 ~500.00
~ Council decLdf'1.cL not to accept either quotation as they felt both were too low.
J) Mr. Lucas of lot 4 of the Horne Subdivision approached Council to see if Council could
help him get his entrance changed. He noted that his house faces Anne Street but his
entrance comes in off of Horne St. Council agreed to request the developer move the
2) Mr. IX Mrs. Guthrie,~ approached Council to request a second residence on their property,
lot 19, concession 8. Mr. Guthrie advised Council that in his opinion that the Zoning By-Law
allowed a second residence. Council stated that it did not.
r Resolution 8...8.::2JZ was defeated by recorded vote as follows:
" That Council approves of issuing a building permit to Mrs Guthrie, Pt. Lot 19, Con. 8
for a second residential unit".
Yeahs - Vasey, Amos
Nays - Beleskey, Beard, Clarke
_~. Council met ~Ms. Burridge, Mr. Burbidge and Mr. Turnbull from Robin Crest Developments
Moved by Beleskey
Seconded by Clarke
" That Council go into Committee of the Whole".
Moved by Vasey
Seconded by Beleskey
" That Council come out of Committee of the Whole"
,Resolution 88-238 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a reductionio Letter of credit of 678407 Ontario Limited
from $338,200.00 to $238,200.00, subject that the new Letter of Credit allows for draws
for all municipal services pursuant to the subdivison agreements registered on the lands
of Plan M-123 and Plan M-l 01, referred to as Medonte Highlands and Robin Crest".
~ ,+, Mr. R. Raymond presented a preliminary proposal for the expansion of the Richardson
Pit. Council advised Mr. Raymond to proceed wtth the amendment.
Mr. Raymond also presented an updated Official Plan Amendment for Mr. D. Fenwick
and requested Council adopt it.
Various report'" and pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as
, Beatrice Woodrow, Township Treasurer presented a financial report to Council. They requested
shet>ring on updated report to their final meeting in November.
. Resolution gR-?19 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, November 8, 1988 at 7:00 P.M.