10 13 1987 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, October 13, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve- I. Beard Councillors - H . Vasey - J. Clarke - R. Beleskey ~ Resolution 87-282 was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on September 21, 1987 and the minutes of Special Meetings held on September 24 and October 6 be adopted as circulated". t Cotln('iL.mel~~_B.ail,.. Township Road's Superintendent and Mr. Tony Domitrieff of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Council discussed sand and salting, dust control, hardtopping and various other matters with Mr. Domitrieff Council invited Mr. Domitrieff to join them on their spring roads tour. Mr. Domitrieff left the meeting and Council discussed roads matters with Mr. Ball. l.BesQlutio[L8Z-283_~,Was passed as follows: " That Council approves of payment of $25,021.22 to Dave Murray Ltd. for grader repairs". ..c..Ihe..._~'{~se_~:LCQlIm::jJ ...that Mr. G. Wilson has resigned as a Grader Operator effective October 7, 1987. Eesoluti~~ft._was passed as follows: " That Council hire Mr. Rick Yule as grader operator at the hourly rate of $9.22 per hour and that he shall be on a probation for a period of three months; and that Mr. Yule shall not be on the Township benefit plan until after the probationary per iod". Jl-.Clerk42re..Sf~nte.Q a letter fr0m the Warminster Cc,nmunity Centre outlining their fund raising efforts. Council directed the Treasurer payout the grant as approved. 2) Resolution 87-285 was passed as follows: " That Council aprpoves the sale of Part E-1/2 Lot 16, Con. 14, part 1 of Plan 51 R-7608, Township of Medonte , to Alan Norman Billington and Led Alexander Billington as joint tenants". t 3} Couflcil deferred decision regarding purchase of Road Allowance In Copeland Forest. Clerk to contact appraisers. ~ C Iprk rresenteci a letter from Mr. E. Rix accepting survey, legal and other costs re closing of Road Allowance. Clerk to proceed. t .L:2L_~9n 81-2.&6. was passed as follows: " That Council approves of the Ministry of Natural Resources conducting a backhoe survey of Township Road Allowances for aggregate information". ~~;;olution 8Z..:-1_8.L.was passed as follows: " Tha tit is the opinion of Council of the Township of Medonte that Mr. Huter be allowed to purchase a 100 acre parcel of County Land at a fair market price". ..n~CQulli:i1._r..eJus..e.d..+2e.r.missiillLirom Mr. C. Lalonde to live in a trailer over the winter while renovating a house. ~R~"0Iu.:tiOIL82::2.8L\Y~as passed as follows: " That Council supports resolution 87-470 of the Township of Matchedash". &-9}~ Re...s..QJvtion 87-289 was defeated as follows: " That Council approves of cancelling the new lot fee of $500.00 on the Robitaille Severance, lot 20, con. 9, File B-39/87 as the Township will receive land for road widening purposes". October 13, 1987 page tw THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Council met with Beatrice Woodrow, Township Treasurer who discussed several matters with Cour Re...s.oJ..utLQILJtZ-22Q. was passed as follows: " That Road's Voucher II 9 in the amount of $32,053.24 be approved for payment". t Resolution ~7 -291 was passed as follows: " That General Voucher If lOin the amount of $417,005.23 be approved for payment". Resolution 87-292 was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-48/87, Wilson, for approval". g.esol!,lJion.B~2.22"was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-49/87, Patterson, for approval". ~ ~.Re.s.clu:tiarL"..8Z::2.2.lL":W as de f eat ed as f 0 11 0 w s: " That Council recommends file B-50/87, Lalonde, for approval subject to the Lalonde's entering into a subdivider's agreement with the Police Village Trustees and Council". Resolution 87-292 w.....a.s passed as follows: " That Council advise the Committee of Adjustment that Myrna Lalonde not be granted severan( and that Council will require a plan of subdivision; and that Mrs. Lalonde be returned her severance fees after expenses". ~solution g7::29.6-...was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-51/87, Matchett, for approval". . Resolution g7-2.2Lw_as passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B- 52/87, Wells, for approval subject to compliance with the setback requirements of the Agricultural Code of Practice". _Resollltion 87-29.R...was defeated as follows: " That Council recommends file B-53/87, Boyd, for approval". Resolution 81::29.SL_was passed as follows: " That Council appeal files B-42/87 and B-43/87, Karl and Pauline Miller as they are contrary to sections 5.14.3 (1) and 5.14 (3) (111) of the Official Plan". t ._Council_direc~J;lJhe Building Inspector issue a Stop Work Order to Comply to Mr. S. Smusiak, Hillsdale, who is building in contravention to the Building Code. Council reviewed .fin offer of settlement from Mr. J. Gignac on behalf of Mr. E. Robertson and advised the Clerk that they would not change their offer and directed he advise the solicitor of the decision. t Resolution 87- 300 _~was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet agam on Tuesday, October 27, 1987 at 7:00 P.M.