04 11 1989 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday,
April 11, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present, -
Reeve I. Amos
Deputy Reeve -H. Vasey
Councillors- J. Patterson
N. Dalziel
- C. Hall
,;E3.esolution ~9-7'5 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held
on March 28, 1989 be adopted as printed and circulated".
~lJ~~teS.eDlal.iY~s."mjrom the Township of Flos with Reeve Bell as Spokesperson
approached Council with several concerns for discussions. They asked that Council
consider increasing their contribution towards the Flos-Elmvale Arena, that Council
review the cost of providing fire service, that Council look at fencing their side
of the Flos-Medonte Park and that Council consider a joint planning study around
the Village of Hillsdale.
,2) CounciL met with the Township Road's Superintendent to review the tenders received
for the March 28th Meeting. There was a discussion regarding reversing the decisions
made on March 28 with regard to the Sand and Calcium tenders. Council decided
that both these Decisions would stand.
" Resolution 89-76 was passed as follows:
" That the tender of Collingwood Sand & Gravel for the crushing and supply of
gravel in the amounNi),f $31,200.00 be accepted".
Resolution 89-77 was passed as follows:
" That the tender of Miller Paving Ltd. for the supply, delivery and application
of Open Grade Paving in the amount of $54,320.00 be accepted".
CouncJLrnet with Mr. A. Ford and Mrs. M. 1. Kirby regarding the proposed
Robbins Official Plan Amendment. Council reviewed a report from their Planning
Consultant which expressed some con<::erns over lot size, development of areas
designated as environmental and future parkland. Mrs. Kirby explained that the
environmental aspect would be dealt with in the Zoning By-Law and that the lots
were designed to the lay of the land. Council agreed that they would not require
a parkland dedication but would take cash. After a lengthy discussion Council
accepted the amendment as proposed and directed the Clerk give notification for
a public meeting to be held on May 23, 1989 at 7:00 P.M.
Mr. O. Bac:hlx approached Council regarding his Official Plan Amendment. The
Clerk advised Council that the requested changes had been made to the amendment
and that no written objections had been received.
Resolution ~_-78 .was passed as follows:
" That a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 9 to the Official Plan for the
Township of Medonte be considered read a first and second time, read a third
time and passed this 11 th day of April, 1989 and numbered By-Law 89-10".
COt loci I ndjouroed for a 10 minute coffee break.
,'" 2)
Mr. 1. Horne approa.<;:hed Council regarding work along an unopen Township Road
allowance. There was also a disucssion regarding his rezoning. Mr. Horne was
asked to prepare a list of prospective uses.
Rf'50]ution 89-79 was passed as follows:
" That Mr. Horne stop all work along the Township Road Allowance between
lots 50 & 51, Con. 1 until further notice from Council".
xil 11, 1989
page two
Resollltjon 89-~O was passed as follows:
" That the firm of Gartner Lee be authorized to undertake a Hydrogeologic
review of the Township of Medonte Waste Site, Lot 19, Con. 13, at a cost
of $33,990.00".
Resolution 89-~.L was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of issuing a building permit to Stephen & Lynn-Marie
Kelly, Pt. W-Yz lot 19, Con. 9, for the conversion and addition to the existing
workshop on the property to a residential unit subject to compliance to the
building code and subject that the existing residential unit is converted to a
workshop and that it is no longer used as a residential unit".
,Resolution 89-82 was passed as follows:
" That Roads Voucher II 3 in the amount of $54,255.29 is hereby approved for payment".
Resolution 89-83 was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher II 4 in the amount of $400,757.04 is hereby approved for
Moved by Dalziel
Seconded by Patterson
That Council go into Committee of the Whole"
Moved by Vasey
Seconded by Hall
That Council come out of Committee of the Whole"
.,,;, Council decided tg~v~~ a special meeting on April 19 to meet with their Solicitors.
SounciL.SWl2rQ~~ the payment of Survey and Legal costs regarding the land purchase
from Mrs. M. Edwards.
Various ot~ieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational.
Council decided to go on "Road's Tour" on April 14, 1989 at 9:00 A.M.
Resolution 89-84 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting b e adjourned to meet agam on Tuesday, April 25, 1989 at 7:00 P.M.".