05 23 1989 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of CounciL held under Section 17 of the Planning Act to consider
an Amendment to the Official. Plan for the Township of Medonte for lands, Part Lot 11, Concession
to allow for the Development of a Rural Estate Subdivision, held on May 23, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. in
Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey
Councillors - J. Patterosn
- N. Dalziel
- C. Hall
Also present
- Mr. & Mrs. Ken Robbins
- Mary Lou Kirby
- A. Ford
- A. McNair
- Twenty-five ratepayers
Reeve Amos called the meeting to order. The Clerk gave a brief outline of the Agenda for
the meeting. He then advised those in attendance that notification for the meeting had been done
in accordance with the regulations under the Planning Act by
Placing notice in the OriIlia Packet and Times on April 21, 1989
By mailing notice of the meeting to 76 property owners in the area of the
By precirculating the amendment to eight local Ministries and School Boards
asking for their comments.
He advised that written rersponses had been received from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Simcoe County Roman Catholic
School Board and read their comments to the meeting.
Mary Lou Kirby, Planning Consultant for Mr. & Mrs. Robbins, owners of the property then
outlined the proposal for those in attendance. She explained that the amendment would allow the
creation of Estate Residential lots. She explained that
a) the nature and location of the property make it ideal for development
b) the proposal was designed to make best use of the existing topography
c) that the boundary roads would be upgraded by the developer as part of the
d) that the soils were very sandy and silted and that further testing would be
done to satisfy the Simcoe County Health Unit
e) that the Hydrology Report concluded that there was sufficient water for the
required wells
Reeve Amos then asked those in attendance for their comments.
Mr. Paul Gordon asked if some of t!1e.:1ots were under two acres. Mrs. Kirby explained the
lots ranged from 1.2 acres to over' 3 acres as a result of the road pattern which was laid out to
follow the natural contours. She also explained that the drainage courses through the property
affected the lot sizes and the proposal kept the drainage courses on lot boundaries and not through
the middle of lots.
Mr. W. Shaw asked how the subdivision wo.uld be serviced for water. Mrs. Kirby advised that each
property would be on private wells and septic systems.
Mr. John West asked what affect the subdivision would have on the road system in the area. Mrs.
Kirby advised that the existing gravel roads would be hard topped along the boundary of the property;
and that there would no doubt be an increase in traffic along the roads.
May 23, 1989
Mrs. Carol Miller asked if the Old Coldwater Road would be upgraded. Council adv ised her that
the road would be hardtopped along the boundary of the property but there were no immediate
plans to hardtop the remainder of the road.
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Mrs. Thomas expressed concern over the wells and septic systems affecting her property. Mrs. Kirb
explained that the flows are away from the Mt. St. Louis Road arid that there are natural drainage
courses to drain the land.
Mr. W. Shaw asked for a gurantee that the existing wells in the area would not be affected. Mrs.
Kirby adv ised that the Hydrologist has reviewed the existing wells and his report stated it was
unlikely there would be any affect. The proposal if for low density development and it is the
judgment of the Hydrologist that there would be no affect. Mr. A. Ford, Solicitor for the developel
read from the conclusions of the Hydrology report and adv ised that this is as close to a guarantee
as possible. Mr. Shaw replied that words such as "acceptable" and "likely" were worrisome. Mrs.
Kirby adr ised the study would be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment.
Mr. W. Dickie thanked Council for the method of notification and asked what affect the proposal
would have on the Warminster School. It was noted the School Board had not forwarded their
comments. Mr. Dickie asked what size the housing would be and was adwised it would be 1500
square feet. He asked about disturbance of vegetation and was adr ised that the Zoning By-Law
and Subdivision Agreement would require site plans for some of the lots.
Mr. W. Shaw read a brief to Council (copy attached) stating his opposition to the proposal with
regard to
(a) environmental sensitivity of the property
(b) streams flowing through the property
(c) affects to the local school
(d) affects of septic systems to creeks through property
(e) adverse affects of removal of trees
(f) the number of wells and their affect on his well
(g) the lack of parkland
(h) the increase in demands to the Township with respect to Waste Site, Fire Department,
Road's Department
(i) the affects of increased traffic
(j) the affects of development on the rural area
~ Mrs. Barkey presented a brief to Council (copy attached ) outling her objections.
(a) trespass to her property which borders the proposal
(b) affects of the development on bordeh:ng water supplies
(c) possible noise complaints to their farming operation
~ (d) pollution to the creeks due to septic systems and lawn fertilizers
(e) the possible affects to their farm operation.
Mr. W. Dickie presented a br ief to Council (copy attached ) outlining his feelings on the proposal
(1) questioned the need for the development as similar subdivision are not fully built
(2) questioned Council's policy of assuming maintenance of subdivisicmat expense of taxpayer
before they are fully deNeloped
May 23, 1989
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(3) Questioned that although the Township Official Plan calls for lots to be a minimum of 2
acres that many of the lots in this proposal are considerably under two acres. He requested
Council scale down the development by joining lots.
(4) He questioned why the proposal was enlarged from 25 to 34 lots. Mrs. Kirby replied own,
had felt he would retain some lands but decided not to.
(5) Mr. Dickie questioned whether the larger lots could be severed in the future. He was advised
the Zoning By-Law would prohibit this.
(6) Mr. Dickie advised Council that both the Old Coldwater Road and 12th Concession should be
hardtopped to Highway 12 now at the expense of the developer so the taxpayers would not ha
to pay the cost in the future.
(7) Requested Council follow its own Official Plan and set up a Parkland area for use of the
residents in the area.
(8) Requested Council change the design so that no lots have direct access to existing roads
(9) Expres:sed concern over water availabililty and requested that all lots be a minimum of
two acres to insure water supply for wells
(10) Requested that further investigations be carried out on the soils of some of the lots to
insure they are suitable for septic and that ground water flows sould not be affected.
(11) Questioned the affects the road design and ditching would have on the present drainage
Mr. Dickie recommmeded that Council follow the policies of their own Official Plan with regard
to this development and that Council form a Planning Advisory Committee to get more public
Reeve Amos asked Mr. Dickie if he felt there should be development ini the Township. Mr. Dickie
repHed that he realizes there must be development but that it must be well planned.
Mr. W. Shaw asked why development was to be allowed on lands designated as Environmental.
Mr. A. McNair, Township Planner explained that the Official Plan provides for development on
Low Environmental Lands and that the Ministry of Natural Resources would review it and the
Zoning By-Law would control the development. Mr. Shaw asked if lands would be levelled and
cleaned in order to allow building. Mrs. Kirby explained that lands would have to be cleared for
roads and septic systems. Mr. Shaw asked what the appeal procedures were. A. McNair,
Township Planner explained the procedures for appeal at the Official Plan Amendment stage,
draft plan of Subdivision stage and Zoning By-Law stage.
Mr. Shaw asked if changes would be made to the proposal. Mr. McNair noted that the present
amendment was only a proposal and that Council would look at all the comments from the meetir
and decide on changes.
Mr. Shaw asked what made the proposal a good development. Mr. Gordon,a builder from Barrie,
ad.r ised that he is interested in the property as his market analysis shows there is a demand for
quality homes on large lots. He advised that there would be nice lots which could be maintained
in their natural state and provide nice homes.
Reeve Amos thanked everyone for attending and asked all those present to submit any comments
they may have in writing to Council within 10 days. He asked those in attendance who required
notice of further meetings or Council's decision to leave their name with the Clerk before leaving
the meeting.
The following requested notice:
(1) Mr. Kenneth Bush (2) Mr. W. Dickie
(4) Mrs. Thomas (5) Gre Gar Homes Ltd. (6)
(8) Mr. W. Shaw
(3) Mr. & Mrs. Barkkey
Mrs. Colleen Marshall (7) Mr. Hugh Pearson
Reeve Amos declared the meeting adjourned.