06 01 1989 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of COuncil of the Township of Medonte held on Thursday,
June 1, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey
Councillors - J. Patterson
- N. Dalziel
- C. Hall
also present
- B. Woodrow, Township Treasurer
prepare the 1989 Budget.
Counci~ith Mr. G. Ball, Township Road's Superintendent to open tenders for the
purchase of a new grader
Crothers Ltd.
trade in
$ 8,000.00
Total (tax included)
Champion Road Machinery - Class 6
trade in
Total (tax included )
Champion Road Machinery - Class 7
trade in
T otal (tax included)
Truck & Tractor Equipment
trade in
Total (tax included)
-Couru:lL.d.eJerred....siecision until the Road's Superintendent reviewed the tenders for
pay for the grader by using the $70,000.00 supplementary from the
province by taking $20,000.00 out of the Road's Capital Reserve, $10,000.00 frorn the
road's operating budget and $15,000.00 from additional tax dollars.
CQuncil then reviejyeq the 1989 Township Budget. After much discussion the budget
was set for an overall tax increase for residential public school suporters of 49.8 mills
or 13:,~% This consists of a 6.% increase for County, a 17.4% increase for School Board
and a S.,'l% increase for Council.
E.esolution 89-11 O_.~as passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to adopt estimates for the year 1989 and provide for a levy to raise
the sums required b y means of taxation be considered read a first and second time,
read a third time and passed this 1 st day of June, 1989 and numbered By-Law 89-11 ".
--Resclu:tlillLfi."...uJ~ was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on June 13, 1989".