11 13 1989 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Monday,
November 13, 1989 at 1: 00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario.
Deputy Reeve
- H.
- J.
- N.
- C.
Resolution~206 was passed as follows:
" That the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on October 23, and the minutes
of Special Meetings of Council held on November 2, 1989 and November 7, 1989 be
adopted as printed and circulated".
1) Mr. J.R. Cockburn & Mr. M. Troyan representing the members of the Horseshoe Valley
Property owners serviced by Corrmunal Tile systems presented a proposal to Council
to have Council prepare the necessary By-Laws to oversee the maintenance and the
formation of a capital replacement fund. They suggested the Municipality charge
an administration fee yearly to oversee a yearly inspection of the system, oversee
any repairs that are required and see that individuals have their tanks pumped out
every 36 months. There was a general discussion regarding the Townships concerns
that all costs be borne by the affected ratepayers and that no costs be left for
the general ratepayer. There was also a discussion as to who would pay the legal
fees for the preparation of the necessary By-Law and agreements. The matter was
2) Mrs. J~~~$esentoo Council with a petition with 99 names asking Council
to restore the Moonstone Corrmunity Hall rather then tear it down or provide an
alternative. She advised Council that the Moonstone area is growing and need a Hall.
Councillor Hall explained that the Hall requires an estimated 40 to 50 Thousand
Dollars to bring it up to standard and then there would still be no parking. Mrs.
Jensen asked if the School Gymnasium could be made available. Councillor Dalziel
advised he would approach the School Administration to discuss this ]?Ossibility.
Mrs. Linda Hill & Mrs. Barbara _~ approached Council to request a School Bus
turnaround. Council directed the Clerk contact Seeley & Arnill to see if the School
Bus could travel the gravel truck haul route if the owners received the necessary
insurance protection. Council felt this was preferable to having the bus
turnaround and having to maintain a turnaround.
Mr. George Cassell appt:QQ.~hed Council to discuss his pro]?Osed Official Plan
Amendment and rezoning. Although he understood the need he advised Council he
required a building now. He advised Council, that he required permission to proceed
with his severance based on a use permitted under the Commercial Zoning and would
look at rezoning at a later date. Council advised him they would require a signed
statement of his pro]?Osed use to go with his site plan.
Resolution 89-207 ~ as follows:
II That Council advise Mr. Logan and Mr. Rynard that they will not sup]?Ort his pro]?Osal
for development and will not call a Public Meeting due to the ]?Otential environmental
problems of 1 acre lots".
~~e.Q as follows:
" That the Township Solicitiors be authorized to proceed with representing the Township
in the Supreme Court of Ontario regarding the Township versus Pilon".
November 13, 1989
Page 2
~9 was..J2asseq as follows:
" That the Clerk proceed with the sale of various road and lane way allowances to the
abutting property in the Village of Hillsdale, all expenses to be apportioned to
each owner. And that Council will get an appraisal of value of Road Allowance to be
charged, and that this cost shall also be bourne by all parties".
R.~lutiQIL.89.=2.Luas~ as follows:
" That a By-Law to amend By-Law 89-15, be considered a first and second time,
read a third time and passed this 13th day of November 1989 and numbered
By-Law 89-24".
Re~l!tion _~~~ as follows:
" That Council approves of contributing 12~% of the proposed installation costs,
estimated at total of $79,954.00 and 50% of the yearly maintenance charge,
estimated at $3,000.00, for the installation of Crossing Signals on the C.P.R.
at the 7th concession".
2) c;ouncil :r~ed a lett~ fran Mrs. H. Culbert regarding traffic at the Mt. St. Louis
road and the 4th concession. They approved of the installation of "School Bus
Turning" signs.
3) Council reviewe~t fran the City of Orillia for support for the continuation
of the Simcoe College Foundation for the establishment of a College or University
in the area. Council directed the Clerk advise the City that they had no funds
available for this project.
4) Co~ re~eql!es:!: fran Mr. G.W. Mainprize, PT E~ Lot 1, Con 13, 10 acres
for a develop:nent on his land. He proposed to install a water system and create
18 lots of 20,000 sq. feet. Council directed the Clerk advise Mr. Mainprize that
for development in a Rural area they require Estate lots of 2 acres. They also
directed the Clerk advise that they did not feel his property was large enough for
5) ~solution 89-212-w~d as follows:
" That Council approves of granting a Kennel licence for PT Lot 14, Con 4".
6) ~ieyyed a requ~st fran Trillium Cable Corrmunications for an agreement to
allow the placing of cables on Township property. Council deferred decision.
CO."ldD:piU~d a r~est: fran Mr. Paul Kelland, PT Lot 16, Con 14 to purchase
a portion of road allowance in front of his property. Council directed the Clerk
advise Mr. Kelland that they do not wish to sell the road allowance at this time.
:Ree.olution 89-213..'yy~seg. as follows:
" That Council of the Township of Medonte appoints Kathy Gordon as their
representation on the Huronia District Hospital Board for a three year term,
corrmencing January 1, 1990".
2) QQun.cil ;revi~ fran the Moonstone Water System expressing concern
over lots severed near their wells. Council directed the Clerk advise them that the
location of the lots was approved of by the Simcoe County Health Unit and that the
lots were already created.
~lutiQll.Jl9~assed as follows:
" That General Voucher #11 in the amount of $82,586.10 be approved for payment".
ResQl:!J:t.iQ!l.Jl9..-=2.15...J'la.s~.s.ed. as follows:
" That Roads Voucher #10 in the amount of $200,372.22 be approved for payment".
November 13, 1989
Page 3
ResQl:uti,Qn.~8.9~=216.~~~ as follows:
" That Council approves of payment of invoice 11342 in the amount of $4,166.50 to
Gartner Lee Limited for Hydrogeolic work at the Township Waste Site".
COLmgi_LMer:J;:?d de.cision and did not open tenders for the demolition of the
Moonstone Hall. They directed the Clerk request those that quoted to update their
estimate to include the former Township Office.
~o]J[lci],_IIle:t._Yii:th..MrLj::iJill.L Township Roads Superintendent. Council agreed to hiring
a different night man and directed the Superintendent hire two wingmen for the winter.
CQunciLme:t-.Yiij;;h-B~~YY, Township Treasurer, who presented an expenditure
2he."..ftlsQJ2fS2~c1 Council with five quotations for the supply of a Computer System
for the Township. The quotations included both Hardware and Software.
Resolution 89-217 was pass~g. as follows:
" That Council accepts the proposal from Top Down Logic for the purchase of a
Computer System, and that Council approves of purchasing all of their Software
and Hardware needs".
Resolution 89-218 ~ss~9. as follows:
" That Medonte Township Council petition the Ministry of Transportation for interim
payment under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on expenditures
in the amount of $878,171.40".
Yflr':bQ1J1LQther repor;:ts and pieces of correspondence were presented and discussed and
filed as informational.
Resolution"~13_J2flli?ed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Novemebr 27, 1989 at 1:00 P.M.".