11 21 1989 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday,
November 21, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present -
Reeve -I. Amas
Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey
Councillors - C. Hall
- N. Dalziel
Councillor - J. Patterson
Absent -
Also Present - A. McNair - Twp Planner
P. Smith - Twp Engineer
J. Rumble -
D. St.Denis -
S. Drinkwater - Police Village Trustee.' s
B. Spooner - Reinders & Associates
B. Richardson - Reinders & Associates
G. Newton - Developer
D. Sherk - Developer
B. McKell - Planner
Hisey & Barrington Developers
A. Mertz - Developer
'J:'hem~~ting_~~<;1 to discuss the proposals for developnent in Hillsdale.
'J:'he~c.~ gave thos..@ in attendance an overview of where each proposal for development
stood. He also advised as to where the proposal for upgrading the Hillsdale Water
System stood. Mr. P. Smith advised that a proposal for expansion had been forwarded
to the Police Village for approval. It includes a new pumphouse, improved pumping,
Trunk mains to the properties to be developed and a tower for storage and Fire protectic
He estimated the cost of this to be $900,000.00.
Mr~~._~h~Js~~~s"t~<;1 that each of the developers put up a payment of perhaps $500. 00
per lot in order to have the engineering for the expansion completed and forwarded to
the Ministry of Environment for approval.
~:JJ~Qt.thE:Ll?~Y~:J,Qpers requested Council provide a copy of a proposed subdivision
A~McNair E!<;1y:i,!:3~<;1gQgr1gil that the Sherk property is only partially designated in the
Official Plan and would require an amendment. The population figure would also have
to be revised upwards. Mr. Sherk advised Council his planners would prepare the
necessary amendment.
There was a general discussion regarding drainage proposals and Traffic flows.
Mr. Mert.z~adviseCl that he wishes to develop his lands and wishes to be a part of all
planning for the Village. He also asked if any consideration had been given to sewage
treatment. Council advised they had not and this was the reason that each developer
had to provide a nitrate study.
After.:the DeveloperE3~and their staff's left Council discussed the proposals with the
Police Village Trustee's and their Planner & Engineer. They requested Mr. Smith finaliz
the water expansion report and submit it to the Trustee's & Council. They directed
the Clerk charge out the topographic mapping to each of the 4 developers based on
acerage of land.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vasey
Seconded by Council Dalziel
That this meeting be adjourned.