11 27 1989 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEJX)NTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on November 27, 1989 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present - Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve H. Vasey Councillors - J. Patterson - N. Dalziel - C. Hall AJX)j?TIO!'LQJI.l1JNUTES - ~ioIlJ2.9-~2~~~~~ as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on November 13, 1989 and the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on November 21, 1989 be adopted as printed and circulated". ~ Council met with Mr. G. Ball, Township Roads Superintendent. He advised Council he had fllrecfwIng ffiena:n<ramghtillan. There was a discussion as to whether he had sufficient funds to finish the year. WSlNES.5......AR.l.5.I.tlG......EROM.._t1IWTES 1 ) Resolut:jprL 89=.223 was paSSE2d as follows: " That in order to reduce water pressure problems in Cathedral Pines Subdivision Council request that Pine Ridge Ski Club limit their snow making operation hours to 10: 00 P.M. to 6: 00 A.M., seven days per week". 2) r;OlID.ciJ"lor Dalziel-2avg an overview of the Corrmunal Tile Bed problem in Horseshoe Valley and asked Council reached a solution which was satisfactory to all parties. Resolj;lt:i:Q!!.J:32.=~~1..~9-1?~pas~~ as follows: " That the Clerk be authorized to get a legal opinion fran the Township Solicitor on the Horseshoe Valley Ratepayers Proposal re: Communal Tile Beds". 3) C01!!l9il^~~~<i demolition of the Moonstone Hall. Councillor Dalziel reported that he is investigating the use of the school and would report to Council. Res_~.8~as pas~ by recorded vote as follows: " That Council agrees to the demolition of the Moonstone Corrmunity Hall". Yeahs - Patterson, Hall, Dalziel, Vasey, Amos QQ~~~ tenders for demolition of the Hall. There were two tenders received. ~ 1) Barrie Demolition Ltd. - 6,900.00 2) Keith Burbidge - 5,800.00 R~~~was passeg as follows: " That Council accepts the quotation of Keith Burbidge in the amount of $5,800.00 for the demolition of the Moonstone Corrmunity Centre". - BUSINESS 1 ) goun<2..:i:1.~~ce:i:'yeg..^.lLP?9:1:l~~:t:: fran Mr. Brian Booth for an Official Plan Amendment for his property, PT Lot 4, Con 9. Council directed the Clerk contact Mr. Booth for IIDre information. 2) cOurJ,c:i:l~.f'eQ.~iye~~t for develq::ment of a small parcel of land, PI' Lot 75, Con 1. Council directed the Clerk advise the applicant that they were not considering any further applications for development at this time. November 27, 1989 Page 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEJX)NTE 3) ~U!}~il"~t2.Il<iO:r::S3gdJ'!...~~e..t from Sinton Bus Lines to the County for improved Stop Signs at County Road 22 and Highway 93. 4) ReE?9.lQ:t:iQ!2Ji2- ~f.L"YYEl~J29,S3.S3.g9.. as follows: " That Council agree's with the Warminster Water Committee on their proposal to purchase a back up pump for the water system in the 1990 Budget". - 5) J:{es21nt:ipn 89-228._~~ as follows: " That Council of the Township of Medonte appoints Mr. Ian Beard as their representative on the Coldwater Corrrnunity Centre Board". 6) CQ1JllQillor_Hall advised" Council that he had met with representatives of the Warminister Hall Committee and reviewed the condition of the warminister Hall. He noted that if inmediate repairs were not done the Hall would not be useable. ~ ~e.E?Qlllt:iQna2.="~f2"~'yvaE?_.PE"~~g as follows: " That Council approves of the following: 1) Repairs to the plumbing of Park Building $1,325.00 2) Repairs to Roof - Warminster Hall - $4,772. 00 3) New Heating System Warminster Hall - $3, 160. 00 And that the funds be transferred from the Park Fund to cover these expenditures". 7) C:;Q.u!}9j:l_"gi.E?_QllsE?g~lj;hg:Q:r::Qr2QS3.~Jl Richardson Pit expansion and directed the Clerk contact Seeley & Arnill with regard to Hardtopping of the 2nd Concession and the hours of operation. 8) Th~""c:;l~Ek _p.E~se12:ted a proposal from Mr. Larsen for developnent of a property, PT Lot 15, Con 14. Council directed the Clerk notify Mr. Larsen that they were not considering any further proposals for developnent at this time. 9) Th~.~J~Sk J2fS?SE2Dj:;"~g a proposal for a Corrrnercial Developnent, PT Lot 1 0, Con 7. Council directed the proposal be fo:r.warded the Health Unit with regard to septic. Yf'tIious oth~r rE?l2QrtE? and pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational. t ADJOURNMENT Jlg.liQl1,1t:iQ.IlJ31"=23.Q_~~s passe? as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Monday, December 11, 1989 at 1: 00 P.M." ~ Reeve