03 14 1989 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday,
March 14, 1989 at 2:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve- H. Vasey
Councillors - N. Dalziel
- C. Hall
Councillor - J. Patterson
Reso:1ution 89-54 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on February 28 and the Minutes
of a Special Meeting held on March 2 be adopted as printed and circulated".
Council met with Mr. D. Bachly who requested a reduction in letter of credit on his subdivsior
part lot 12, concession 8,
Rf>~olution 89-55 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a $100,000.00 reduction in letter of credit for Mr. D. Bachly to
the amount of $100,000.00".
. Council met with Mr. A. McNair, Township Planning Consultant to discuss varIOUS planning
matters. Council agreed to have Mr. McNair proceed with preparation of a By-Law to deem
lots in old plans. Council also discussed having him represent Council at upcoming appeals to
Committee of Adjustment decisions.
,Resolution 89-56 Ws..s passed as follows:
" That Council retain their Planner to defend. the Township Official Plan at Hearings
scheduled for April 27 and 28".
.eouncil met..JY.l1h~r :.~J2. Fenwick regarding the Ministry of Agriculture and Food objection
to his Official Plan Amendment. Council directed the Clerk adr ise the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs that Council considered the effects of his amendment on the surrounding agricultural
lands and do not agree with the position of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
Mr. A.__M~Lt~~.s..[l~MrL~~etlZ approached Council with two proposals for development. One
was a request for severance of up to five lots along the first concession. They adr ised Counc
that they would be willing to provide municipal water at their cost to the lots. Council
adwised they apply to the Committee of Adjustment. The second proposal was for a plan of
subdivision on their lands, part lot 57, concession 1, south of Anne Street. They felt the plan
was more logical than others being considered and requested Council allow them to proceed.
Council made no decision and advised the Mertzs they would give their proposal consideration.
~Mr. G. Whisto~~g.,dle.d~Council regarding a Committee of Adjustment decision which
required he provide a drainage easement across his property. He adr ised Council that if the
ditches were in the proper place that the water would not drain onto his property and the
easement would not be required. Council adr ised Mr. Whiston that they would take a look
at the matter but that they could not over-rule a decision of the Committee.
,J:QUOc:i! meL:wi:th.M~~~all,...,"Iownship Road's Superintendent. He advised Council that
he had interviewed the five applicants for Truck Driver as requested and was ready with
his recommendations. As Mr. G. Bell, one of the applicants, was in attendance Council
met with him. Council asked the Road's Superintendent return later in the meeting.
.J;:ouncil met_with~.Mr~--D~,"~L~Qga~~and Mrs. M.L. Kirby, Planning Consultants for Mr. J. Rynard
and Mr. & Mrs. K. Robbins respectively. The Clerk presented letters from Mr. Rynard and M
Ford on behalf of Mr .Robbins regarding Council's proposal to incorporate the lands into a
Planning Study for a Townsite. Council decided to advise Mr. Rynard to continue with the
preparation of his hydrology study and soils study for his proposal of a 35 to 40 lot
development. Council will review that information to determine whether his development
will proceed on wells or communal water system. Council received a complete Official Plan
Amendment on. the Robbins prop~rty and advised Mrs. Kirby they would study the amendment,
and if satisfactory, would call a public meeting for the Robbins Estate Development. The idea
of a study on a Townsite was put aside.
March 14, 1989
Page two
Council then met with Mr. G. Ball, Road's Superintendent to discuss hiring a Road's employee.
Moved by Vasey
Seconded by Dalziel
" That Council go into Committee of the Whole"
Moved by Vasey
Seconded by Hall
" That Council come out of Committee of the Whole"
Resolution 82~...w.as passed as follows:
" That Council hire Mr. Barry MacInnes as a truck driver-labourer for the Township
of Medonte to be effective April 3, 1989 at a rate of $10.95 per hour for a probationary
per iod of three months".
1) Resolution 89-58 was passed as follows:
" That a By",Law providing for the erection of stop signs be considered read a
first and second time, read a third time and passed this 14th day of March, 1989
and numbered By-Law 89-09".
7) Rf'$oh,tion 89-'>9 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a Grant to the Coldwater Music Festival in the amount of
$25.00 for the year 1989".
J) Resolution 89-60 was passed as follows:
" That the Fire Chief be authorized to attend a meeting with the Minister of Natural
Resources on March 28 to discuss bush fire protection".
4) Rf'splotion 89-61 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of Mr. C. Bassingthwaighte using a trailer as temporary
living accomodations while constructing a house, pt. lot 10, con. 5, trailer to be
removed by end of September, 1989".
5) Resolution 89-62 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of proceeding with the rezoning of land part lot 51, con. 1,
to allow restricted commercial use, at the owner's expense".
tL Resolutipn 89-63 was passed as follows:
" That Road's Voucher II 2 in the amount of $51,056.71 is hereby approved for payment".
2) Resolution 89-6lL was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher II 3 in the amount of $57,691.85 IS hereby approved for payment'
~~uncil discllssed other proposals for development within the Township. Council directed
the Clerk adv ise Mr. H. Pi<th1er, Lot 6, Con. 3 that they are not in favour of develop men
of a subdivision on his land and will not consider his Official Plan Amendment. Council
directed the Clerk advise National Marketing lot 1, con. 7, that they are deferring his
request for development indefinitely and advise them that no further work should be under
taken until hearing further from Council.
~2L~~<2lutiQ[LJ~2=Dj.~~was passed as follows:
" That Council authorizes the Road's Superintendent to attend the C.S. Anderson
Road School in Guelph from April 30 to May 3, 1989".
March 14, 1989
Page three
3) Resolution 89=..66~.was passed as follows:
That it be a policy of Council that any group who requests funds for recreation
or parks be requested to contribute 25% of the cost".
Council. dir~Qed~J,he Clerk advise all Community Centre Boards of a meeting to be held on
April 4, 1989 at 7:00 P.M.
was passed as follows:
That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on March 28, 1989 at 1 :00 P.M.".