03 14 1989 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on March 14, 1989 under Section 17 of the Planning
Act regarding a proposed Official Plan Amendment, Part Lot 15, Con. 8, to allow for a residential
development in the form of a plan of subdivision at 1 :00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey
Councillors - N. Dalziel
- C. Hall
Also present
- Mr. D. Bachly
- Mr. G. Knox
- Mr. A. McNair, Township Planning
- Several Ratepayers
Reeve Amos called the meeting to order and outlined the agenda for the meeting.
The Clerk advised those in attendance the notice for the meeting was given in compliance with
the regulations with the placing of notice in the OdIlia Packet and Times on February 8, Barrie
Examiner on February 9 and the Midland Times on February J 0, 1989. Notice was also given
by first class mail to all land owners within 400 feet of the proposed development. A copy of
the notice was also posted in the local Post Office and the local convenience store.
Mr. G. Knox then presented the proposed amendment. He outlined that it was a double amendment~
with changing the land use designation from Rural to Residential and changing the population figure
for Moonstone from 450 to 1100. He outlined that the hydrology report states that there is suffici
water for the proposed communal water system and that the soils report showns the area suitable f(
septic. Although some of the lots may require raised beds, Mr. Knox outlined the physical aspect
He also advised that the plan had been precirculated to the School Boards and the Ministry of NatUi
Resources and they had no objections.
Reeve Amos then asked those in attendance for comments either for or against the proposal.
Mr. Alfred Bone asked what size and type of house would be built. Mr. Bachly adv ised they would
be of Chalet type construction and would be substantial size, the specifics to be dealt with in the
Zoning By-Law. Mr. Dennis Bailey expressed concerns over the projected increase in population for
Moonstone. Mr. McNair explained that the population figure was based on what existed The Plan
directs development into the built up areas are suitable for limited development.
Mr. Bailey adv ised that putting development into one area could lead to increased servlcmg costs in
the future. Mr. Knox replied that the soils report showns the land is satisfactory for septic system
and would not lead to the need for sewers. He advised that there is a pressure for growth in the
area and that Council is directing the growth into the areas where they wish it.
Reeve Amos requested that anyone in attendance forward any comments they might have in writing
to Council by March 28, 1989. He aclv ised that Council would be circulating the amendment to
local Ministries for their comment.
Mr. Alfred Bone, 6080 McLaughlin Road, Mississauga, Ontario L5R 1 C4 and Mr. D. Bachly,
General Delivery, Moonstone requested written notification of adoption of the Amendment.
Reeve Amos declared the meeting closed.
March 14, 1989
Page three
was passed as follows:
That Council approves of the following cancellations of assessment for reasons as stated:
Roll No. Amount Name Time Reason
2-080-03 RP 8850 Reginald Ryder all of 1989 Gross ErrOl
4-033-01 RP 8300 William Howard Johnstone all of 1989 Gross ErrOl
5-210 RP 500 Jose Fernandes Nogueira all of 1989 barn demolist
5-210 RP 500 Jose Fernandes Nogueira all of 1988 barn demolist
6-189 RP 10 Harvey Weber Holtzhauer, Geraldine Mary woodshed
Holtzhauer all of 1989 demolished
6-189 RP 10 Harvey Weber Hal tzhauer , Geraldine Mary Aug. 1,1988 woodshed
Holtzhauer to' Dec. 31/88 demolished
8-021 CP 2200 D.F. W. Holdings Limited all of 1989 Clubhouse
8-021 BP 657 D.F.W. Holdings Limited all of 1989 Cluhouse
8-140 BP 135 David Wallace Newland all of 1989 Business ceE
9-174 BP 105 William Alfred Bell, Jean Ar lene Bell all of 1989 Business ceE
9-205 RP 300 William O'Halloran all of 1989 Barn demoli
9-229 RP 3285 Douglas Roy Truax, Elizabeth Anne Truax all of 1989 Gross Error
81-073 BP 100 Nancy Jean Peacock, Thomas David
McDonough all of 1989 Business ceas
81-114-01 BP 165 Mervin G. Faulkner & Associates all of 1989 Business ceas
Also that Council approves of the following conversions from c.P. to R.P. as business ceased:
Roll No Amount Name Time Reason
8-140 CP 460 David Wallace Newland all of 1989 Business CE
9-174 CP 350 William Alfred Bell, Jean Arlene Bell all of 1989 Business C€
81-073 CP 100 Nancy Jean Peacock, Thomas David
McDonough all of 1989 Business C€
81- 11 4-01 CP 335 John Floyd Thomas Gibson, V aler ie Diane
Gibson all of 1989 Business CE
COIlnci I dE'ff'rrecL...adoption of Official Plan Amendment If 9 to the April 11, 1989 meeting.
~-Y.ariQU.LQ.tb.et:~~~ correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational.
. .cQ1l.O.dLQj~led~.Jbe Clerk proceed with the purchase of land from Mrs. M. Edwards.
was passed as follows:
That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, April 11, 1989 at 7:00 P.M.