09 05 1989 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, September
5, 1989 at 9:00 A.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - H. Vasey
Councillors - J. Patterson
- N. Dalziel
- C. Hall
Also present
- Mr. R. Raymond
- Mr. J. Fastmond
Mr. G. Montford
- Mrs. M. 1. Kirby
- Mr. B. Fitzgerald - M. N.R.
- Mrs. K. Dauphin - M.N.R.
- Mrs. B. Marshall
The meeting was called to discuss the proposed Official Plan Amendment, part lots 6 & 7,
concession 3 regarding the Richardson gravel pit.
There was a lengthy discussion as the representatives in attendance answered questions from
Council and reports from their Engineer and Planning Staff. The parties in attendance advised
Council of the following:
1) There would be no change to the present Haul Route. It IS still to be maintained by
Seeley & Arnill
2) Further Hydrol0gy information will be provided before licencing
3) The existing wash system is being upgraded to recycle all water. The ponds on the
property will be relocated but will be constructed to recycle water.
(t) Eur:the.~.Qg.~ work being done with regard to storm water and its affects on
Highway 400. The design of storm drai nage will ensure that no further water flows
into existing culverts under Highway 400.
~~~A.r:nilL.advised that the Wash Plant is now Hydro and that the mobile equipment
was serviced on site but waste oils were removed from site.
6) All topsoil which is being stripped on site is being retained on site for future use in
rehabilitation. This top soil is being used in construction of barns on property.
7) A II trees will be left on site if possible. Seeley & Arnill also to relocate existing trees
on property for screening purposes. The expansion is being designed so nothing more will
be visible from Highway 400.
-.&~~p.lairlf:~that funds are retained from the pit operators to ensure proper rehabilitati(
and that rehabilitation would have to be done even if the funds were not sufficient.
,"~~.e..~~~~..AC!111Jadvised that the stockpiles would be p'laced back in the pit where they
would not be visible.
~ -1QLS"eek~.~A.milL...a.dvi.s.e.d that the pit IS a wash operation and no dust IS created.
Council that further Hydrogeologic Studies, a drainage plan and an
Archaeological Study are underway but requested Council proceed with the Official Plan
Public Meeting as the studies are mQre for licencing requirements.
Council advised those in attendance that they would consider the information presented.
September 5, 1989
Page two
1) COlJnri I rf>viewf>d -..:the Horne proposal for development, part lot 51, con. 1. They
approved on McNair & Marshall's Official Plan policies and directed they be sent
to Mr. Horne's ConsultantJ:. They also directed the Clerk advise that the proposal will
be done by plan of subdivision, with a communal water system and a looped road system.
They also directed the Clerk once again advise Mr. Horne that he may be doing unnecessary
work and should not proceed until the planning is settled.
~__2} CQUDc:i1 rf'vi~ed McNair & Marshall's proposal for the necessary studies and outline to
prepare an Official Plan Amendment.
Resolution 89--166 ?<: follows:
" That Councilapprovesi of~:MGNair&: Mar:sJ1ai1itilj;>r0ceeding-wJth theirprop6sa:1J for Rural
Severance as outlined in their Memo under date of August 17, 1989".
~_.Jl-~Y.iS:_~~.9 the proposal for development, part lot 55, con. 1. Council directed the
Clerk advise the Consultants.
. 1) Martin Street to be a walkway only
2) other Murphy lands to North West of proposed plan should be incorporated into
overall development.
3) road system to be looped In order to limit number of cul-de-sacs
4) Right-of-way for l.ioad required by Township to adjoining property to the South for
possible future development
5) One foot reserve to be shown across back of lots fronting onto unopen road allowance
between F los and Medonte
6) Drainage plan required before an area for storm water retention located on plan.
4) Council discussed-1he proposed Buffalo Springs development in Oro Township. Council
directed the Clerk draft a letter to the Township of Ora expressing their concern and
that of ratepayers within the Township over possible environmental problems and the
planning concept of lineal development along County Road 22.
the applications for Deputy Fire Chief. They choose three of the 8
applications and asked the Clerk discuss the matter with the Fire Chief and bring a
recommendation to Council.
6) Resolution 89-l6L was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of hiring,_, Deborah A. Franssen for the posItiOn of typist,
computer key punch operator, at a rate of 9.00 per hour on a three month probationary
per iod".
7) Resolution 89-168 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a tax write-off in the amount of $1,301.97 plus penalty
for 1988 and 1989 to date, on taxes written off, part lot 64, con. 1, Roll II 9-143".
_ Resolution 89-169 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned".