04 13 1982 Council Minutes
cf Medante held cr TUe8day, April
Minutes cf a Regular Meetirg cf
13, 1982 at 1:00 P~ M. in Ccurcil
Also present B.
That the minutes of
cf special meetings
, 1982 and the minutes
18, 1982 be adopted.
RE: SC: 11 1 tj cLL82:::-2-4 was
" That Ccuncil apprCNes
equipmEnt fcr a
truck, plus salf-f'
And this Counci
subsidy on the
the vehicle".
Communications for
arrange fcr an inspection
, delivery and spreading cn TC}wnship Rcad8
less of three quarter! inch crushed gravel
morE or leSS of five-eights crushed gravel.
and applying cf seven tank loads cf liquid
per flake equivalent"
surface treatment. E. Rcbertson was
in the meeting.
and Associates and reviewed the plans for the
It was decided
possible on
sys tern and
cor, trac tors
Public Works
The day tc
\.\1i th Mr. Smi th
the local papers
Ccuncil directed
as possible and to put as much informaticn as
not to include such items as carpeting, septic
tender. Council directed Mr. Smith contact two heating
and air conditioning. I twas dec1ded that the
work involved.
will be supervised by the Building Inspector
timEb. Council decided to call an open tender in
system and road entrance approval.
discusSed the maintenance cf thE HorseshOe
Mr. Lohauru said he would look intO' the cost
Valley system and ~,at
and report back to
Resoluticn 82-77 was
" That dUe tc the unusual
and fire Council agree8
And that it be understccd
danger invQlved during the train derailment
payment frcm .50 tc $6.00,
increase" .
CCI In('i 1 di Y'f-d~f-d the Clerk
three plaques of appreciation for the firemen.
Clerk contact
Rcad 19 which the
Engineer and request a meeting to look at
is assuming.
passed as follows:
That General Voucher # 4 in the amaunt cf $230,020.73 is hereby
passed as fcllcws:
That RoadsVaucher # 4 in the amcunt cf $40,882.08 is hereby apprcved for
passed as follows:
That a By-Law to regulate the erection, alteration and construction cf buildings
the Township of Medonte be considered read a first and second time, read a third
and passed this 13th day cf April, 1982 and numbered By-Law 82-10".
passed as fcllcws:
That a By-Law tc provide for the remuneration and expenses for members of Council,
local boards and expenses fcr ~mployees be considered read a first and second time,
a third timE and passed this 13th day of April and numbered By-Law 82-11".
was passed as follcws:
That a Bv-Law tc adopt ammendment f\lJ111ber two tc the Official Plan of the Township cf
Medonte Planning Area be com:ddE:red read a first and second time. read a third time
and passEF:d this 13th day cf April and numbered By-Lavv 82-12".
passed as fcllcws:
That a By-Law tc raise $100,000.00 to aid in the construction of rrainage WQrks under
the Tile DrainagE:: Act, 1971 bE:: considered read a first and seCQnd timE:: and forvvca:rdE::d
tQ the Ontario Municipal Board for approval".
Council on the needs for surface treatmE::nt and Resoluticn 82-84
was passed as follows:
" That Council call tenders for the supply, dE::liveryand
20,000 gallons of D.H.O. PrimE::, 35,000 gallons
eights inch stone chips and thE:: supply,
18,000 gallons of HF 150 and the delivE::ry and
of five-eighths inch gravel".
of approximately
emulsions, 1,500 cf three-
of approximatEly
of 1,000 ton, mvre or less
a letter from the Ministry of
requesting Council clQse the portion of Concession
RQad 19. Council agreed and directed thE::
the road and close it.
and Communications
Highway 400 arld County
the Ministry tct> assumE::
to institute a basic
agreed to go ahead and
use of ME::donte Larldfill Site, Lot 19
was presEnted. Council directE::d the
" That this Council
EngineE::ring Ltd.,
extension of the Draft Plan Approval
for a period of one YE::ar to' May 9, 1983"
" That this Council approves of an extension Cl,f the Draft Plan Approval of Mr. A.
Teskey, Ministry File 43T-75368 for a period of onecyear to May 4,1983".
Page ThrE::e
April 13,
Penetanguishene General Hospital to campaign for funds was presented
apprCNed. Council directE::d thE:: Clerk notify the Haspital that the Township will
be able to put flyers frGm the Hospital in with the Tax Bill.
a tE::ntative date of June 19, 1982 for a public meeting to review
the draft of the new zoning by-law.
have a spec1al mee ting on April 19, 1982 at 1: 00 P. M . tc dEal \^Tith
Fire Department matters, Fire DEpartment budget and other general correspondence.
was passed as follows:
That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on May 11, 1982 at 7:00 P.M.".