04 19 1982 Sp Council Minutes
APRIL 19, 1982
Mirlutes cf a special cf Council of the Township cf Medor,te held or, Morday, April
19, 1982 at 1:00 P.M. in Council ChambErs, MoonstonE.
Reeve - I. Amos
DE::puty Reeve - L. Johnstone
Cour~illors - I. Beard
- J. PattE::rSOrl
- H. Vasey
cf Atlas Block Co. Ltd. met with Council and rE::questE::d that Atlas Block be
spE::cifiEd irl the tUldE::r for thE:: proposE::d N';W officE::. HE:: explair,ed that if this is donE::
and his price is comparable tc others asked, thul his compar,y would get thE:: job. If his
pricE:: is riot comparable, then the lOWE::st pricE:: would get thE:: job.
stardard engagE::mE::ftt lettE::r from Ward MallettE:: ChartE::rE::d Accountants.
dirE::ctE::d the CIE::rk contact the office of thE:: Solicitor GenE::ral and rE::quE::st
interim for thE:: fire relatE::d costs for fighting the fire at thE:: rE::cE::r!t train
then mE::t with FirE:: Chief Hamilton who
C::E::veral piecE::s cf correJ3)portdencE::.
RpsOJlltio,! R::'-RR was passE::d as follows:
" That agrees to pay ME::dorltE:: FiremE::n at a rate cf .00 pE::r day for the USE:: of
their vehiclE::s duriEg the trair, dE::railmer.t arld dirE::cts the Treasurer to iEclude the
amounts in the irtVoicE:: to thE:: ProvincE::.
was passed as follcws:
That Mr. Les Clarke be paid $25.00 per day for the 10
to the sitE:: of the Train Derailment".
deltvered food
was as follows:
That Council directs the FirE:: Chief havE the necessary repairs made
# 1 and the bill be included in the invoicE:: to tht<:' Province".
as follows:
That Couccil dirEcts the FirE:: Chief contact the IEsurar,cE::
the Warmir.ster Fire Hall repairE::d by having the existirlg steel
artd rivE::tE::d".
clerk to thank you r\oticE::s to the resider,ts
and coopE::ration during the train derailmE::nt irl thE:: local ntt'\tvspapers.
th Mr. P. Lawlor and Chief Hamilton ar~ reviE::wE::d and
minutes Qf a rnE'eting of thE:: WarminstE::r FirE::fighters Associaticn held C1l\
was passE::d as follows:
That this meetiEg bE? adjourned".