04 28 1982 Sp Council Minutes e e e e SPECIAL MEETING THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Sp@cial Meetir,g c Cour,cil of the Township cf Medonte held cn Wedr,esday, 28, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. ir, Council Chambers, Moonstor,e. Pr~ ser, t Reeve - Deputy Reeve CcuLcillcrs - I. Amcs L. Johllstor,e I. Beard J. Pattersoll H. MasE-Y tc discuss the 1982 budget. Preliminary figures were presented and discussed. the Clerk prepare an agreemer, t for of the Lar,d Fill Site ar,d notify Coldwater they car, cf Coldwater for the mcle use the sit@ as of May 4, 1982. a request from Village cf Coldwater to have a meetirxg cn May 19, 1982 regardillg Side Road 4. ReevE- Arms tc atterd. attelld a " was passed as follcws: That Medonte Towllship Council approves of a car,cellatior, of residelltial public assessment in the amount of $25., Roll 5-117, Township cfMedorlte, for all of 1982,12 months, due to property became exempt after returr, of roll". " passed as follows: That Medollte Township Cour,cil approves of a carlcellatior, me f\ t if\ the amoull t of $300., Roll 5- 024, Fred 31, 1982, 10 months, due to house razed by fire". of residelltial ss- March 1, 1982 to December " passed as fol1ows: That M@dontE- Towllship Courlcil approves of a car,cellation cf residE-Jfltial public assess- ment in the amount of $720., Rol1 7- 027, Fred & Patricia Larkills, ITlrcm April 1, 1982 tc Dec<5mbE-r 31, 1982, 9 months, as a barr, all thths was demolishE-d durillg March". " passed as follcws: That Medonte TowrJship Coullcil approves 01= a carlcellatior, of residelltial public assess- ment in the amount of $1,600., Roll 10-004, Medon~ Mculltain Resorts Limited, from February 1, 1982 tc Decmeber 31, 1982, 11 mOl1ths, to modular hcme burnt Jar,uary 30, 1982". " was passed as follows: That MEdonte Township Council approves of a public tc residential public ir, the amount of William Seamorxt, for all of 1982, 12 months, due o assessment from commercial ., Roll 10-135-01, Douglas Symes ar,d business movE-d befort": erd of 1981'''. RESollJti()(\ 82-98 was passed as follows: " That this meetillg be adjourr,ed". - - - - _. _. - - - - ---- Reeve