05 03 1982 Sp Council Minutes e e e e SPECIAL MEETING THE CORPOAATION OF THE TO\NNSHIP OF MEDONTE Mirutes of a special meeting cf CouLcil of th€ TowLship cf M€dcLte held cn at 7: 15 P ,M. iL Cour,cil Chambers, Moor,stCJrE?, Ontaric Presert Reeve ~ DE:puty Reeve - CiJur,cillors I Amcs L. JGhrJstor,e I Beard J. PattErsor H. Vasey wi th E. Rcbertsor, Tcwr.ship Roads ar,d d b~rders. ~ Fcrur received 1) Kef> Truax Constructior Ltd. ,250.00 2) Rcbert E Yourg Ccr,structicr, Ltd. $35,250.00 3) Collingwood Sand & CCflstructior. Ltd. $36,350.00 4) Dal tor Lowe $37,690.00 " cf K~r Truax Ltd. ir the amcur.t cf $35,250.00 fcr the 17,000 cu. yyds. cf 3/4" crushed gravel ard 1 ,000 cu. yds. cf 5/8" crush-ed grave lit That this crushiLg, crushir,g and 1 ) Du rham Store .00 2) McKear, That Courcil for the- 35,000 gallonE cf chips, 1,000 tors de livery and cf ~119,396.00 cf D H.O prime, cf 3/8' stcrE: am for the: O~ terder received 1) Pollard Brothers It passed as Tha t CouLcil accep ts tM terdE: for the supply ar,d applica tior of .45 flak€> tor, chloride", complairt deJrE. by TowLship loadEr while lawrs. Courcil also directed Wannir,ster regardiLg di r€ c ted the Supe timE' help to th Mr. J Natural Re8.ources to review the AgreemerJts wi th the Ministry for prctectior. cn MiLls try lard. The Towr,ship FirE ChiEf aLd DEpUty- ChiEf WErE Mr. FCLtairJE: E.xplaiLEd thE procEdurE. He roOted that fires cr. lard ty cf the MULicipali ty but that thE: MiListry can take cv€r at the Tcwr,ship. He al8c LCted that it Itlculd be up tc thE: Mir,istry tc pay fcr thE: cc.sts tiLg a firE: ar,d that thEY would pay thE MULicipali ty fGr their assistance. CouLcil asked Mr. For,taiLe to preparE' aL agreemer.t ar,d fonvard it to CcuLcil. 1) Ccurcil agreed that it shall bE a policy cf the TowLship to purchase: a small gift for residerts cn their 90th birthday. SPECHL MEETING PAGE TWO THE CORPORATION OF THE TO~~SHIP OF MEDONTE was passed as follows: II That COULcil call tehders for the buildh)g of a hew Mur,icipal OfficE:, TeLders to be advert- ised ir, Midlar,d, Barrie aLd Orillia papers ar,d Daily C0mmcerciJal N€ws. TE:'rde rs to close 011 May 25, 1982. TeDder.specs to specify Atlas Block or equivalE-Lt". " was passE-d as follcws: That MedoLte TowLship CouLcil apprCN~s of a carDE?llatioL of reside:'Ltial pubHc assessmer,t in the amouLt cf $000., Rcll 10-154, John ar,d David Beard, for all cf 1982, 12 months, due to old fca:rm buildiLgS r,o Icr,gE:r usable; I . e " was passE:d as f~llcws: That CouLcil dLcreasE' the wages of J. PattE:rSOL 301/6 })f!.r haul' arid Mr, A, &11 20\1'. pE:r hour tc bE effective. April 23, 1982". " was passE:d as follcws: That ttyg:' Clerk advise Salvil IrM?stm€Lts that if the acccaui,tiL thE: amouLt cf $4,414.00 is not paid to the TcwLship by 18, 1982, ir,tere.st at a rate. cf 1 & l,A% per mOLth shall be adde,d E:ffective March 1, 1982". _ the 1982 budge t 0[;) 5, 1982 '.' ar,d directed a levy by-law bE: prepared for a was as follows: " That the Re.eve arid Clerk are for the jOiLt use of the Exe.cute an agreemeLt with the TowLship of Oro Hall" . pH' That CouLcil approves of a for Hydrogeological Gartrer L~e Associates Ltd. i(7 the amourt cf Waste Site, Lat 10, COJl\CeSSiOL, 5" , .975,44 THIS RESOLUTION WAS DEFEATED of .00 to t~ Coldwater Music Festival 1982". was " That COllfCil approvE.s Ir,spector, which are fees Comper,satioL" . Cour,ciJk,Beard declarEd cOhflict of Mr. J. Beard, Tcwr,ship Buildihg arE' oat covered by OHIP cr WcrkmEo'fJ' s cf interest ar,d did f1G>t vcte Oh this rE:solutior,. " was passE:.d as follONs: ( I That this Cour,cil approves of billiLg the Horseshoe Valley Water users at a rate. cf $125.00 which cor,sists of $112,50 for the supply of water and $12.50 towards the. sirikir,g fur.ct". _ II was passE:d as follcws: That this Coor,cil dor,atEs .00 to the WarmirJstE:r Optimist Club for a trophy far the(bicycle rcdeo ar,d ideLtificatiorJ day". _1;3) ~)e~~~~~;,~~~;~e~~~~ his minkf~~~;~~ ~~e;~~I~~~ t~o~~~~~l~~~e~t~\~~~dh~r~~e~~~~~i~~a~~at a rezonir,g will be fje..cessary. was passEd as follows: That CC1Ur)cil graLt a KeLLel LicE'Lce. to Mr. G Kadatz, Lct 72, Ccr,. 1 for the year 1982". pj.eces of correspcr,deLce wertf preseLted and discussed. was passEd as follc."vs: "That this meetiLg be adjourr.ed" _ .. ... ... w .. .. _ .. "" _. ... _ .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... RE:E:.vE:.