05 05 1982 Sp Council Minutes 5 THE C'ORPORA'J'ION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE s of a Special Meeti.Lg of Couocil of the Towr,ship cf MedoLte held on WedrJE>sday, 5, i3 :30 P.M. HI Ccmccil Chambers, MooLstQr,<,. Reeve - I. Deputy Reeve - L, Ccmr,cillors H. J I Amos JohLstoLe Vasey PattersoL Beard - a letter from W. Trivett, Towrlship SolicitcH regardiLg collectioL of cVE'rdue smour,t Gf Sal vil Ir,vestmer,ts. Clerk to advise Mr. Trivett that the Towrship car,Lot g~t irwolved in this matter. Levy By- Lavv for 1982. C'our,cil dire cted that tax bill be ammeLded tc show that the ra.tepayers will be reepcLsible for ba.rk charges where paying tax bills at the bark. - passed aE: fallows: "That a By- Law to set the Levy far taxes for the Tcwr,ship of Medcr,te for the year 1982 b~ corsidered read a first ar,d s€"ccrd timE'-, read a third timE':' a.r,d thi8 Dth day ('f 198:-:' and rumbered By-Law 82- 14", Ee~ollltiQr. 8?-115 was passf'd as follows: 11 That this meetir,g be adJourr,ed" ~~~~*~.~*...............k""""" ReevE':' e e .,