10 19 1982 Sp Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
Medonte held on Tuesday,
Reeve - I.
Deputy Reeve - L.
Councillors - I.
- J.
- H.
Re'iolntj on R?-?49 was passed as follows:
If That Halloween be moved in Medonte Township from Sunday, October 31 to Saturday,
October 30, 1982".
Resolution R2-2c;() was passed as follows:
If That Council proceed with maintenance on Drain # 7 and direct the Clerk to ask
A. Burt to supervise the job'!.
Resoll1tj 011 82-?c;1 was passed as follows:
If That Council accept the new Municipal Office as per the report of the Building
Inspector effective October 1, 1982.
_Resolilt:ion R2-2~2 ~assed as Dollows:
If Council request Dunlop Plumbing and Heating to install the air conditioning
unit for the Township office".
the Clerk to order shelving and floor sealent for the new office.
was passed as follows:
authorizes a payment of $200.00 to rv.r. R. Long out of the deposit of
Ross replacement of lost fish and authorizes the refund of the remainder
Ross deposit in the amount of $1,300.00 less engineering costs".
Council regarding the possibility of attracting a Credit Uhion
closes and requested a letter of intent from the Township that
such an institution. Council directed the Clerk look into
at the entrance
regarding the ditch in front of the Joe Lawlor property.
there WOllld still be water flooding the property in the
Superintendenb to put some fill in and build a berm
" That
at a
as follows:
to a part time dog catcher for the Warminster area
hour plus mileage to work through the Township Office".
" That
the sand
as follows:
Horseshoe Valley Ltd. $34.00 per hour for snowploughing
plans 1531, M-10, M-11, M-23 plus the cost of
Page two ............
October 19, 1982
..Bes0'l1)tjon82-?56~:\,\7as passed as follows:
!! That Council write-0'ff the amount of $62.50, roll # lo-055~20, Mr. J. K. Russel~,
being water arrears transferred to Tax Roll as he only had water for 1/2 year!!.
L Resol11tion 8?-?S7 was passed as follows:
!! That Medonte Township Council approve of a cancellation of business assessment in
the amount of $1,520, Roll 1-196, Disher-Farrand Limited, from August 1, 1982 to
December 31, 1982, 5 months, due to company ceased business. Refund $169.80!!.
RpSO]11ti OD 82-258 was passed as
!! That Medonte Township Council
the amount of $1,130., Roll
1982, 6 months, due to business
business assessment in
July 1, 1982 to December 31,
Refund $151.48!!.
Fesolution 82-259 was passed as
!! That Medonte Township Council
in the amount of $410., Roll
31, 1982, 3 months, due to
residential assessment
1, 1982 to December
,J<psol11ti on ~2-260 was passed as
!! That Medonte Township
in the amount of $700.,
Decmeber 31, 1982 6
1, 1982 to
76' .
-Resol11ti on R?-?fi1 was passed as
" Th.at Medonte Township
to residential in the amount
1982, due to business
from commercial
all of
.J<psolntion R?-?62 was passed as
!! That Medonte T(i"~11lship Council
to Residential in the amount
due to business ceased.
..Besolutjon 82-261 was passed as
!! That Medonte Township
the amount of $100., Roll
ceased in 1981.
assessment in
due to business
....Be80'll]tjQn~82-:?fi4 JMA8..passed as
!! That Council approves of
43T-75155, Mr. L. A. Tureck,
, Ministry File #
5, 1983!!.
~Thp fa] Im&:ing resolution 82-265 was
!! That Council approves of the
dates for County Levies to
to amend its due
and December 15'!.
,Bpsol]1ti 0'n B2-26Q_~w.qs passed as
,! That Mardon Construction be paid
Horseshoe Valley Local Improvement!!.
Resolution 82-267 was passed as follows:
!! That Council directs the Treasurer to use
Transportation and Communications
minimum rate allowed by the Ministry of
work for Municipal Roads Equipment'!.
~eso 1 uti on 82- 268 was passed as follows:
!! That Council agrees to reimburse H. Cassell Ltd. the amount of $29.69 for recharging
a fire extinguisher used on a highway fire. September 11, 1982".
Various other pi~ces of correspondence were presented, discussed and files.
passed as follows: !!That this meeting be adjourned!!.