11 15 1982 Sp Council Minutes
15, 1982
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Cot..mcil of the TO\.\'Ds'hip of Medonte on
, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I~
Deputy Reeve - L.
Councillors - J.
- I.
- H.
(;OIl11Cn met with Mr. P. Smith, Township Engineer and
of Mr. A. Teskey. Council then met with Mr. & Mrs. A.
\Anat would be required to service his sulxlivision. The
1) streetlighting
2) fire hydrants
3) uptrading of 13th concession
4) water system
It WRS also nQted that there would be a
in lieu of parkland. It was also
signed including a drainage plan.
and cash
I s agreement
(;Ol1n('i 1 rli n:>rj-prl the Clerk find out
for the improvements to the road
would be needed
what would be necessary
Council then discussed the site development plan for the Mt. St. Louis Dump Site. It was
decided by Council to have Reid and Associates develop a plan to phase the site out over a
period of two years or so at ~inirnum cost. Council directed the Cilierk to arrange a meeting
with Mr. Smith and the Ministry of the Environment on site at the dlIDlp to see how to best
run it for the winter.
(;ol1nril then di scussed the repairs needed to the dump machine. The Reeve reported that the
estimate for repairs is $5,000.00. Council decided to wait and have the machine repaired
after the new year so it would be charged to next year's budget and decided to rent a machine
to work at the dlIDlp until the Township machine is repaired.
Council then met '^~th Mr. E. Robertson and discussed the purchase of a used loader for the
roads department. Council directed the Clerk to check with the Auditor to see how it can
be worked to get the machine now and pay for it out of the 1983 road's budget.
...:1) Reso]l1tioD 82-290 was passed as follows:
" That Mr. P. Nixon, Mr. M. Miller and Mr. G. Whiston be hired as wingmen for the 1982-;1983
snow plowing season to be called in as needed by the Township Roads Superintendent".
Reso]l~iQP 82-291 was passed as follows:
n That the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the necessary release forms for the
Township Claim to Canadian Pacific Railway arid the Province of Ontario subject that
the claim covers the expenses as submitted regarding the derailment and fire in March
Special Meeting
Page two
(YI'HF;R B1TSTNF.SS ( C'onr.)
.31. ResolutiQ]J 82-292 W8S passed as follows:
" Whereas Council is instituting a new bookkeeping system for the Township which will
follow a calendar year
And whereas C,ouncil is desirous to have all the books run on the calendar year
Now therefore Council instructs the Treasurer to change the roads accounts over to
the calendar year and directs that the Treasurer include the accounts of the month
of December 1982 with the 1982 road!s accounts".
4) Resolntion 82-293 :!Alas passed as
" Thatl Council approves of a payment to
for the Township share of work done at
Township of Flos in the amOUnt of $617.35
Flos-Medonte Park for 1982".
AnT()l~ .
Resol11ri IJn 82-294. was passed as
" That this meeting be adjourned".