01 17 1983 Sp Council Minutes e e e e Meeting THE CORPORATION OF TEE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the TO'lNllship of Medonte held on Monday, January 17, 1983 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario. Present I. Amos L. Johnstone J. Patterson I. Beard H. Vasey 1jr. H. C,::Jsse] L met with Council and discussed the condition of the Township John Deere 450 and the repairs recently made to the machine. Resolution 83-20 was passed as follows: " That Council approved of a payment to Harvey Cassell Ltd. in the amount of $8,500.85 for repairs to the township John Deere 450 Loader". Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors .Mr. R.Wilson. approached Council on behalf of the North Simcoe Soil and Crop Improvment Association requesting a grant for the year 1983. Council advised Mr. Wilson that a grant in the same ameunt as 1982 would be sent. ,K. G. Hami1totJ, Township Fire Chief met with Council and presented his findings on renting a Tank Truck until the Tanker from Hall # 1 could be replaced. He also presented a written report as to wbat other equipment was needed by the Fire Department. There was a lengthy discussion on all these matters. Resoluti em 83-21 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of the Township Fire Department leasing a 1979 G. M. C. Tanker from Mr. Jack Dixon, Elmvale for a period of three months at a cost of $200.00 per month, and that the Fire Department is authorized to do the work required to convert the Truck for fire services". was adjo~rned for a ten minute recess. When thp mPeting to look at purchasing a 20, 1983. It was decided on January )) Resoluti on 83-22 was I I That the grant to year 1983' I. 2) Reso111,i 0\1 83-2~ was " That A By-Law to rename considered read a first ,000.00 te $2,000.00 for the cut Ingram Road, part lot 49, concession 1 be time". 3) Reso 111r; Otl 83...24.-iwas " That all hourly hour increase in as time employees of the Township be given a 38~ per and that Council agrees to pay OHIP to present value". rl!) Resolution R1-?5 was as follows: " That Shirley Bell considered a full time employee ar,d be given an increase in wages of $750.00 for the year 1983. And Council pays OHIP to present maximum'I. -- e e 1_ Special Meeting Page Two January 17, 1983 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE OTHER Rl~TNF.C;::s ( rnnt.) ,5) Resolution 8~-26 was passed as follows: " That the Township Treasurer be given a 5% increase in salary for the year 1983"; And that Council agrees to apy Ol-IIP to present maximum". 6) Councillor Beard declared conflict of interest and did not take part in the discussion regarding wages for Part Time Empleyees and did not vote on the motion. Resolution 83-27 was passed as " That all hourly rated part increase I I . of the Township be given a 34~ per hour n Resolution 83-28 was passed as I I That the Clerk be to of a salary increase". in 1983 in lieu at two 8) Resolution 83-29 was I I That the compensation of private Board Members for the use kilometeI". Develo~ment Plan for the Mt. St. Louis Dump as submits the plan to the Ministry of the Environment was passed as follows: Inspector have a monthly statement for Council of Building Permits give statement as to how many fires and Where and estimate of at the fire". passed as follows: copier be given to Coldwater Minor Heckey as requested by Shirley Bell". Council set a date of January 24, 1983 at 1:00 P.M. to review objections to the Township Zoning By-Law. ~J01JRNMEW ~esolution 83-33 was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to Tuesday, February 8, 1983". Reeve ---------------