02 08 1983 Council Minutes e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE February 8, 19En Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, Foebruary 8, 1983 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers. Present Reeve - Ingram Amos Deputy Reeve - Lytle Johnstone Councillors Jill Patterson Ian Beard Horace ResaJl1tion 83-44 was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of special meetings held on January 17, January on January 11, 1983 and the minutes and January 31, 1983 be adopted". 1) Mr. Roy Van VAlkenburg approached Corrmittee. He explained that requested Council support. funds under the Federal-Provincial Community Halls and Parks. Recreation Committee if the Warminster Recreaton the Park in Warminster and an application had been sent for to hire people to work at the var1aus project would help the Warminster Mr. Van Valkenburg also at the intersection of report on the request for a streetlight Sideroad. Resolution 83-45 was passed as " That the Township rr.ake application for a Municipal Encroachment section of Highway 12 and Ministry of Transportation ar:d CCifIlIm.mications installation of a streetlight at the inter- of Warminster". purchase of a pumper tanker at least three companies the companies be asked to ResQlutiou 83-46 was ~assed as " That this Council accepts the by the Fire Chief and directs truck. All quotations to be received and presented the ?pecifications for the Council directed that the specs be sent to by February 28, 1983. Council also directed the same truck with a 625 or 840 pump. for the purchase of pumper tanker as presented to send out the specs asking for quotes on the , 1983". r1J1jef HRrnjlton fJJSOY'eported to are in the process of purchasing and the Medonte Township Fire Fighters Association an equipment van to the Township. 1) Represen,~ri,~s of t~ownship of the Village of Elmvale approached Council regarding Council joining a joint of Management for the Elmvale Arena and contributing towards the capital costs the arena. They explained that the Townships of Vespra and Tiny have already They explained that people from Medonte constituted abount 10/0 of the use. Council deferred making a decision.. 4) Mr. E. RobertsQn, Township Roads Superintendent met with Council and discussed winter control. Mr. Robertson requested Council consider purchasing larger boxes for the sand trucks so that less trips would have to made. two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Council then adjourned the meeting for ten minutes. ,P.i:\SSING OF BY-LAWS_ Feso111tion 83-ilwas passed by recorded vote. " That a By-Law to prohibit smoking in Council Chambers during Council meetings be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 8th day of February, 1983 and numbered By-Law 83-5". e Recorded vote as follows: Yeas Jill Patterson Horace VAsey Ingram Amos Nays Ian Beard L. Johnstone e -Beso1l~ion 83-48 was passed as follows: 'I That a By-Law to provide for a interim tax levy in the year 1983 and in each suceeding year be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 8th day of February, 1983 and numbered 83-6". ]il JSTNF.SS 1) Resolution 83-49 was passed as follows: " That 1 light be put at the corner of highway and Sideroad in Warminster but no more lights be put in Warminster until there are lights in the rest of the Townsh:Lp subject to approval of M. T. C.". 2) ResohJti 01;) 83-50. was passed as follows: " That Council o'lSfers to sell the Province of Ontario the road allowances within the Copeland Forest Resources Management Area at a price of $1,000.00 per acre". 1) Reso1l~ion 83-~1 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of the extension of draft approval for the subdivision of Mrs. M. Edwards, Pt. W-l/2 Lot 24, Con. 5, Ministry File 43T-75500 for the period of one year to May 4, 1984". ~4) Resolution 83-52 was passed as follows: " That this Council will not be responsible for the enforcement of the conditions known as Schedule "A" Which are against the lots in Horseshoe Valley as these conditions are imposed by the subdivider and not the Council". e ~ Resolut~on 83-53 was passed as follows: " That Isabel Barr, Norma Clarke, Rosemary Athron, Elfie Vivian and Ingram Amos are appointed to the Medonte Library Board for the year 1983". 6-) Resolution 83-,54 was passed as follows: " That Council reimburse full memberships for the Orillia Library tn the amount of $35.00 for 1983 and half memberships be reimbursed the amount of $17.50 for 1983; limit of two cards per family". e ,pASSTNG OF ACCOUNTS 1) RfSO 111ti on 83- 55.0 was passed as follows: " That General Voucher # 2 in the amount of $42,888.12 is hereby approved for payment". 21 ResoJlltioILlib~ was passed as follows: " That Roads Voucher # 83-1 in the amount of $63,782.60 is hereby appoved for payment". - e e e Page three February 8, 1983 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE .,j) A re'111es, for a "Children Crossing Road Sign" on County Road 22 was presented. Council directed the request be forwarded to the County. 2) A request by Mr. Copeland to bave Council enter into an agreEment urder thE. Tre,e 1 s Act was presented. Council directed the Clerk inform Mr. Copeland Council does not wish this at this time. 3) C,olmc:i 1 oi sC:l1ssed the Flos Arena. It was decided not to enter into any agreements at this time but that the request for funds would be considered at Budget Time. ,5) Reso1ution 83-57 was passed as follows: " That this Council not increase their salary or meeting allowance for the year 1983". VAT10US other pje,c:~s of correspondence were presented. C{"1tI1l~iL~cided~tp have a special meeting on March 1, 1983 at 1:00 P.M. AI), TOURNMENr Resoltltinn 83-1)8 was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, March 8, 1983 at 1:00 P.M." Reeve ----------------